dk - makeup

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word count : 522


it was almost dinner time, but you were getting ready to go out to eat with the guys. it had been awhile since any of them met up, and you were invited to join them along with their significant others.

"oh, i'm at the house right now. the address is in the group chat, right?" you looked over and saw dokyeom on the phone. he had just walked into the bedroom. "yea, y/n's coming tonight. she isn't working this week. is anyone else carpooling? we can pick up people. okay. yea, see you soon."

"who was that?" you asked him. you were leaning forward against your bathroom counter with the door open to the room next to you.

"mingyu. he's running late, so he'll just drive himself over. jun and hoshi are gonna ride with the8," he explained to you. "what should i wear tonight?" he asked you.

"the place is kind of nice, so maybe wear a nice shirt? up to you," you replied while grabbing a brush from your makeup bag.

"let me ask the guys," he replied and you could hear him type on his phone. "okay, i'm dressing up nicer. are you almost ready to go?" dokyeom asked while opening the doors to the closet.

"yea, just a few more things," you replied. luckily for you, you had already changed into a nice dress because you wanted to dress up for yourself. "do you want me to fix your hair?" you asked him while putting some stuff away to clear the counter.

"i got it, don't worry about it," he replied. "who's driving? you or me?" he asked you. you heard him walk over towards you.

"you can drive," you replied and looked over to see dokyeom standing in the doorway. "do you want to drive my car?" you asked him.

"i'll drive mine," he replied. "gonna stand behind you," he said and moved behind you to be in the view of the mirror. he started fixing your hair while you finished your makeup.

"oh, here's your makeup," you said to him and passed him his travel bag that he used to hold all of his makeup products.

"thanks," he said and took it from you. "i'm only putting a little bit on. i probably don't have time to put on a lot." he opened the bag and took some things out. you took a step over so he could have some room more while you cleared the space of your makeup.

"you still look handsome with or without makeup so it doesn't matter to me," you replied with a smile and noticed him smile too. "hey, does my lip gloss look okay? or is it too sparkly?" you asked him.

you turned to face him, and he looked down at you. all of a sudden, he leaned in and kissed your lips.

"perfect to me," he replied with a smile, "tastes good too."

"it's cherry flavored...did you really have to kiss me?" you questioned him while he chuckled.

"sorry, couldn't help it," he said and started putting some makeup on, "you're just too damn pretty."

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