Chapter 33 - Caught

Start from the beginning

Hailey finally seems to get it together, and slowly stands. I can see her visibly shaking as she takes small, tentative steps towards the door. This is beyond stressful.

She can't open the door because of the barricade she requested I build last night, but she gets as close to her brother as she can, and says in a very shaky, unsure voice, "I can't open the door, but I'm right here."

I think...I can actually hear Zander's head explode.

"What the hell were you thinking?! You and Jake planned this, didn't you? You two somehow found some way to escape the gym and decided, "oh, instead of staying home and smashing eachother's brains out in the privacy of our homes, we'll do it in a dark classroom at school event!"

He sounds so pissed, and I wince. I was right, Zander is jumping straight for, and assuming the worst case scenario.

Hailey gasps, indignant and embarrassed, and a loud, "No!" explodes from her mouth. 

She clears her throat, and in a calmer voice, she says, "We didn't do anything Zander. We didn't plan this. I snuck out to fill my water bottle, and Jake followed me. A teacher caught us, and we decided to hide in Ms. Lysel's room, because it was the only classroom with an unlocked door."

"Lies," Zander bites out through gritted teeth. "You've had a stupidly obvious crush on him for months. Do you think I'm an idiot? There is definitely something going on between you two. The tension was almost suffocating when he entered the tent."

I turn beet red, but Hailey just says, "We didn't have do...whatever you're assuming. Calm down. I can't open the door because I made Jake set up a barricade in case someone decided to waltz right in, and assume the things you're assuming!"

"I'm assuming it because it so obviously happened! Knock down the fucking barricade so I can come in and slaughter your...I don't even know. Crush? One night stand? Gods help me if he's your secret boyfriend." Zander pauses for a second and my heartbeat picks up when he says, "Oh, and does Jake have anything to add to this conversation, or is he too busy sleeping off the blow job?"

"Whoa, that's going a bit too far," I say, finally finding my voice.

"Excuse me?!" Hailey splutters.

"Look who's finally woken up. Tell me Jake, when exactly did you and Hailey organize this little escapade? Was it during chemistry last week? Jake kept leaning over to whisper stuff in your ear, but it all makes sense now-"

"Zander. I can promise you me and your sister didn't do it. We were just hiding in here. Give me a second to take down the barricade, and we can have a conversation face-to-face."

"Fine." Zander mumbles, and I walk over to where Hailey stands. She stares up at me with fear in her eyes, and I give her a small smile, leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

"Scoot over, princess, so I can get the door open before your brother breaks it down with a sledgehammer."

"How romantic," Hailey sighs, and moves to the side.

Once I'm done with unstacking all the tables and chairs, I say, "Okay, you can open the door now."

I'm not even finished speaking before the door slams open, and Hailey's brother is staring daggers at me from the hallway. 

"You look like shit." He says to me.

Hailey facepalms and I raise my eyebrow.

"Well good morning to you too."

Zander walks straight up to me, and points his finger in my face.

"If my sister gets pregnant so help me I'll-"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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