74~ The Seven Walls

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The sound of giggling and footsteps became louder behind him. "Ray? Is that you?" The sweet voice called again. The boy turned around to be met with Isabella. She stood a few feet away from him with some of the children from Gracefield surrounding her. Conny, Hao, Sadie, Jack, Michelle, Susan, Pippi and a few more familiar children. "Mama..."Ray said under his breath. "I missed you so very much..welcome home" the woman pulled him into a warm hug. "You've grown so much...I'm so proud of you for how far you've come" she smiled. Ray felt a sad comfort..a mix of emotions too upsetting to dig up. "No... You aren't real!" He pushed her back forcefully. "Ray! Come play tea party with me!" Conny laughed. "Ray you should play tag with us!" Hao and Susan smiled. "Ray!! You promised to play with me!" Jack tugged Rays jacket.

"Ray? Why are you sad? Come play with us!" A little girl took Rays hand in hers. "Huh- y/n?! Why are so so little?!" Ray asked, backing away. "What's wrong? You don't wanna play?" She frowned, a tall shadow wearing a long blue cloak lured over y/n with a dagger in its hands. "W-who's shadow was that?! Is the real y/n okay? Is this real?!" He shut his eyes closed,in fear. "Who are all of you?! This isn't real-" He said. "Let's play! Let's play! Let's play!" The children sang as they all surrounded Ray in a circle. Before the raven haired boy knew it, his appearance changed back into a young child. "What...I'm little again..." he said under his breath.

Suddenly a tall dark demon with a cloak over its head, red eyes glowing and sharp claws crept up behind Ray. Ray gasped in terror as he sprinted away from the hallway. "Why is Everything so much scarier when you are smaller?!" He shouted. Ray kept running and running as fast as he could not wanting to look back at the horrifying demon or Mama and the children. "Why am I scared?! Ive Seen plenty of demons before..." He said to himself in a panic. Soon enough the structure of the house began to change. The hallways began to bend, the windows disappeared, everything changed into a mess of doors and staircases.

"Ray?! Is that you?!" Emmas voice echoed in the far up hallway. "It's me!! Emma?! Y/n!! Where are you!!" Ray shouted back. Suddenly the orange haired girl appeared through a door in-front of him beside y/n ...except their appearance had changed from teens to small children. "Quick! Grab my hand!" Y/n called, pulling him through the door and closing it shut. "This place is...strange..we all look different!" Emma said, looking through different doors. "Are you okay? What happened?" Y/n asked in a worried tone giving Ray a hug, he closed his eyes resting his head on her shoulder for a moment before suddenly letting go. "Are you real?! Is this really you or another trick?!" Ray shook y/ns shoulders. "Huh?! It's me dummy! I'm real! What happened back there?" Y/n asked. "You're okay right?" He asked full of fear. "Yeah I'm fine? Why do you ask? Are you alright?" She asked. "I'm fine...let's just talk about that later but for now...we gotta figure out why we look like this and how to get out of here..." Ray said. "It feels weird being a little kid again, huh?" Y/n said, looking down at her hands with a small frown. Soon enough the stairs the trio were standing on began to crumble, leaving them to float downwards towards the bottom of the strange place. The only voices that could be heard was the eerie laughter that echoed.

Emma, y/n and Ray fell fast onto the ground and landed into a big soft pile of stuffed animals. "Ouch!!" Emma rubbed her arm. "Are you okay?" Y/n helped the girl up. "Yeah..it was a soft landing" Emma smiled. "These used to be ours..." Ray trailed off, as he picked up a small teddy bear shaped like a cat with his name sewn onto it. Y/n looked over his shoulder. "I remember! We used to have them back at Gracefield" y/n picked up a rabbit shaped stuffed animal, with her name also sewn onto it. "I used to love this bunny" she smiled. "Yeah I remember...you'd freak out every day because it kept disappearing but really it was just under your bed" Ray snickered. "I forgot about that" y/n laughed. "Should we keep going? How did we even get smaller?!" Emma asked. "I have no idea!" Ray rolled his eyes.

Out of touch, out of time [RAY X READER]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora