I don't know what I am feeling right now. Actually I am not feeling anything at all... It's as if I became numb.

"Eomoni, can you tell us what really happened and how do you know all this?" Hobi Hyung desperately asked her.

She sighed and sat down on the couch with Ian in her hands. He was playing with her hair as if he has been doing this for so long.

"You better hear my words carefully" she ordered.

We all nodded.

"So Ah unni told me that Rooh has already told you about all the important stuff. But I know she didn't tell you about the real struggle. Am I right?" Eomma said.

Real struggle? What real struggle?

"During her first pregnancy check up, the doctor told her about the complications. Her body was too weak to continue the pregnancy. The doctor even told her to abort the baby because it was dangerous for her to continue the pregnancy but she didn't listen to the doctor.

She decided to continue because Ian was the connection between you and her and since she had to leave you, Ian was the only reason she was living for." Eomma said while looking at now sleeping Ian.

"But she didn't tell us about this." It was Jimin hyung who said.

"How can she? She just doesn't want to reminisce that hard time of her life." Eomma said looking at Jimin hyung. I couldn't comprehend the situation so I just listened to her.

She continued, "She shifted to Sokcho because she can't travel back to India due to the complications in her pregnancy. She used to vomit everyday five or sometimes six times which was a lot. She used to get panic attacks because of her nightmares. She had to get admitted in the hospital for atleast 15 days a month. And there were no one to take care of her. Rooh never told about all this to her parents because she didn't want to worry them. The expenses were not a problem for her but the problem was her mental health which was not good at that time because of the breakup."

"How do you know all this eomma?" It was me who asked. I wanted to know everything. She looked at me and then at my hyungs.

"I went to sokcho because my friend's son was getting married there and by chance I saw Rooh there. She was there because the bride was actually her doctor. And I was shocked to see her there.

Because after the betrayal she gave you, I was so angry that I couldn't control myself. I marched towards her at the wedding hall. She was sitting there all alone with a small smile looking at the bride and groom.

When I reached her, she was shocked to see me there and immediately stood up. And that's when I realised that she was pregnant. All my anger vanished when I saw her with a small baby bump."

My whole body got goosebumps. My mind went blank, my heart was a mess. She didn't tell us about the complications and all. It must have been hard for her. She was having panic attacks that whole time and nobody was there for her.

I am ashamed that I took Ian away from her. I should have listened to her. Fuck! I am angry at myself. Namjoon and Yoongi hyung were right. I let my anger took control over myself. I... I should have listened to them.

"We talked and then she had to tell me everything because I forced her. I was so angry on Bang PD that I was about to yell at him right there on the call but she stopped me. After all that... she stopped me. Do you know why? Because she understood Bang PD's point of view...that what he did was for your future and mental peace. He was worried because of what happened with EXO's Chen.

Chen having a baby with his girlfriend faced a lot of backlash from the public which destroyed his career and which led him into depression and that too happened just three months ago from her being pregnant. So to avoid all that, Bang PD took that decision.

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