From a selfish standpoint, it would be prudent to remain silent.

Yet, having witnessed the loss of countless lives, such a choice becomes increasingly challenging to make.

Raymond hesitated momentarily, and the young girl emitted a soft sob.

"H-Heuk. Heuk. Please! Please save my mother. Please...!"

Her plea was laden with desperation.

The atmosphere among the surrounding soldiers turned solemn.

Raymond's face grew heavy.

As a child, Raymond had experienced the loss of his own mother, seeking aid from a healer and receiving nothing more than a reprimand.

The more he thought about it, the harder it was to turn away.

'What options do I have? How can I provide treatment without facing consequences?'

That was the moment.

A quest was born.

[Unleash the Spirit of Philanthropy!]
(Medicine Quest)

[Advancement: Middle Doctor

Difficulty : Medium

Quest Description: A civilian from the enemy seeks humanitarian aid! You are both a soldier and a doctor! Let compassion guide your actions!

Conditions: Treat a patient from an enemy country

Reward: Bonus level up x2, 40 skill points

Perks: Respect from the people of the enemy country. An unexpectedly large reward.]

'An unexpectedly large reward? What is this?'

Raymond shook his head.

'Regardless, it's far from a simple matter. If anything goes wrong, I won't be able to bear the responsibility.'

He kept getting the feeling, this system.

It asks too much too often.

'I genuinely wish to heal her, but it's far from simple, and there's a high likelihood of someone discovering my actions.'

He was well aware of his situation.

Despite the good he had done, it had also stirred jealousy among certain individuals who would eagerly seize any opportunity to use it against him.

'There has to be some sort of justification. A reason to heal an enemy and not be criticized.'

No, it would be nice to have a good excuse, not just to deflect blame, but to package his treatment better.

Raymond thought hard.

'Couldn't I come up with a good reason? Something that would make me look good for treating the people of an enemy nation.'

That was it for the moment.

An idea popped into his head.

'There's one! And it's this one!'

Raymond thought to himself.

'I can claim that by treating the people of the enemy nation, I'm working towards stabilizing public opinion and fostering goodwill!'

Not only would he not be criticized, but he would be able to say that he was doing it for the good of Houston's army!

Indeed, stabilizing the population of a captured castle was of utmost importance, directly linked to the castle's defense.

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