Chapter 15

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The next day.

"I beg your pardon?! You're saying senior treated that patient?!"

Lance exclaimed.

"How is that possible?!"

He was a patient who could be saved if he put all his effort into healing, which would be at least a B grade.

But Raymond, a pathetic flunk who couldn't even make F grade, saved such a critical patient?

'Did he use some kind of ancient secret?'

However, Lance quickly shook his head.

'Even if it is an ancient secret art, it is only a miscellaneous art. There is no way he could treat such a serious patient.'


That was the perception of the Belland treatment center's healers about medicine.

All non-heal treatments were considered miscellaneous, and all healers in the world thought the same.

'There must be some mistake!'

Lance left his seat and headed for the patient's room to see for himself.

And the moment he arrived at the patient's room, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

It was true!

The rotten patient who had been brought in yesterday was sleeping peacefully.

Even at a glance, he could tell that he was over the hump.


Lance gave an incredulous look.

And the amazing thing was that it didn't end there.

A middle-aged man of very high status was standing next to the beggar patient.

'A noble?'

Lance studied the middle-aged man's identity at a glance.

Expensive clothes, accessories, the jeweled sword on his waist, and casual elegance.

He was definitely a nobleman. Not a lower-class nobleman, but a very high-class nobleman.

It was then that Lance's eyes caught sight of the family crest embroidered on the chest of the middle-aged man. It was a surprisingly recognizable crest.

'Count August of the South! Why is such a great noble here? Is there a patient in the ward that he knows?'

But now, in this patient's room, there was only that incorrigible sick man.

In a moment of disorientation and confusion, the middle-aged nobleman looked back at Lance.

A steel-like gaze that made you nervous.

Lance bent his back excessively in a hurry.

"I am pleased to greet Count August! I am the chief healer of the Belland Treatment Center, Lance."

He looked completely different from his usual demeanor. He was a typical bad guy, strong against the weak and weak against the strong.

There was something strange about the other's reaction.


There was no reply, just a sharp glare at Lance.

"You're Lance?"

"... Me?"

"The one who left my son to die?"

Lance's face became soul-deadening.

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