Chapter 108

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"Yes, he's having a hard time."


A prince hailing from a foreign land, sent as reinforcement.

To be precise, he was a prince from the Kingdom of Clever, one of the esteemed ten nations of the League of Nations.

Enrique had sustained a deep and penetrating wound in his chest.

Despite the best efforts of highly skilled healers, his condition showed no signs of improvement.

'It's hopeless, he's going to die.'

Viscount Rand silently pondered.

The power of Healing was indeed a magnificent gift bestowed from above, but it had its limitations.

Some wounds were simply too grave to be fully repaired.

The blade that pierced him had left a wide and devastating wound, surpassing the capabilities of even a Class A heal.

A double-A heal wouldn't suffice either.

'But I can't just give up and say I don't know, like the other patients.'

Viscount Rand resolved within himself.

After all, this was a prince from a foreign land, and he owed it to him to give his utmost effort, even if the odds seemed stacked against them.

As Viscount Rand arrived at Prince Enrique's barracks, a somber and heavy atmosphere permeated the air.

The Knights of the Kingdom of Clever, who were about to lose their prince, stared at Viscount Rand with menacing eyes.

"Is there nothing more you can do?"

"We're doing our best, but the wound is too deep..."

"That's precisely why we urged for his repatriation! If you hadn't been so stubborn and arrogant, you damned fool!"

Viscount Rand winced at the insults hurled at him, but he found himself speechless.

His adversary was none other than the esteemed Marquis of Aiton, a powerful noble of the Kingdom of Clever.

"You must save the prince's life, or I will hold you accountable."


Viscount Rand's body shuddered involuntarily as a cold sweat trailed down his back.

It felt as if he were about to be mercilessly cornered by a pack of enraged wolves.

'Damn it, I was too stubborn.'

In the beginning, he had been arrogant, falsely believing he could save the prince's life.

His stubbornness had caused Prince Enrique to miss the opportune time for repatriation.

Now, he regretted his actions with utmost remorse.


Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped into Viscount Rand's head.

An idea to kill two birds with one stone, to get out of this crisis and screw over Raymond at the same time!

"Well, you see, healing the prince with traditional healing methods isn't feasible at the moment due to the severity of his wound. It would require a double A-class healer, which, unfortunately, we don't have in the barracks,"

Unlike regular A-grade, 'double A' or 'triple A' healers are really rare. In a normal kingdom, it's not uncommon for there to be only a few in the entire kingdom.

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