Chapter 129

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The relentless cycle of bloodshed among the Lystein royalty had left them unable to collaborate effectively, as they were consumed by internal strife.

Even in the present, the royal faction, archduke faction, queen faction, and noble faction continued their power struggles.

'Marquis Langham identified himself as a Royalist. Does that mean Prince Rashid, the commander-in-chief of the reinforcements, is also aligned with the Royalists?'

"I am Baron Penin of the Kingdom of Houston. It is an honor to meet Your Highness, Prince Rashid of the great House of Lystein."

"An honor indeed, and I am even more honored to see the light of the renowned Huston Kingdom on the battlefield."

Prince Rashid smiled warmly.

"Anyway, it looks like things are not going well. The word has come through the communications crystal. You want me to transport your soldiers and the people of Droton to the rear?"

"Yes, please."

Then Prince Rashid gave an unexpected reply.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to grant that favor."


Prince Rashid hastened to explain.

"There are circumstances. There's a terrible plague going around the fleet right now, and that's why it's so difficult to grant your request."

Everyone's faces grew serious.

A plague?

"What kind of plague is going around?"

"An epidemic called 'Great Sea Sailor's Disease'. Otherwise known as the 'Curse of the Great Sea.'"

Prince Rashid said with a puzzled look on his face.

'It's a disease that usually afflicts long-distance fleets sailing to distant continents, but for some reason it's been circulating during these wars. It's a big deal.'

Raymond was stumped.

'What do I do?'

Then a quest came to mind.

[Eradicate the Great Sea Sailor's Disease!]
(Medicine Quest)

[Medicine Rank: Two and a Half Scalpels

Difficulty: Low

Quest Description: The Great Sea Sailor's Sickness is a disease that has long claimed the lives of sailors. Eradicate the disease for the sake of the poor sailors!

Conditions: Eradicate the Great Sea Sailor's Disease

Reward: Bonus Level Up, 50 Skill Points

Perks: Salty extra income(?)]

'Eradicate? Not cure?'

Raymond noted the word 'eradicate' as a departure from the usual quest.

"Not just cure the plague, but eradicate it? On this spot? And the difficulty level is 'low'? What? Does that mean it's easy?'

Anyway, Raymond decided to take matters into his own hands.

Even if it wasn't a quest, it was a situation that needed to be resolved if he wanted to use the ship.

"What are their symptoms?"

"Severe fatigue and lethargy, bruise-like spots on their skin, and in some cases, bleeding."

Raymond thought.

'What kind of plague? Long voyages, fatigue, bleeding....'

Suddenly, a disease flashed through Raymond's mind.

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