Chapter 195

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'First, I need to pinpoint the problem. What exactly is making him feel unwell?'

The first part of the examination is the questionnaire.

The next step was to find out what was wrong.

Raymond asked the griffin.

"How are you sick?"

The griffin responded, as if it understood him.

[I-I am not breathing well, human.]

"Since when?"

[Since today, after consuming a minotaur, and suddenly I found myself like this.]

A minotaur, a cow-headed beast.

[Recently, I've been starving for a long time, so I ate in a hurry, and suddenly my throat is sore and I can't breathe well.]

After a big meal, sore throat, shortness of breath, and a strange wheezing sound.

One diagnosis popped into his head.


Raymond checked to rule out other problems before making a diagnosis.

"Why have you been starving for so long? Is there anything else uncomfortable about your body?"

[That's not it. I didn't hunt because I was too lazy. I hate hunting. I hope someone feeds me.]


He hated hunting, huh.

It seemed like a strange griffin.

Anyway, if there was nothing else wrong, the guess he just came up with seemed solid.


A foreign substance entering the airway and blocking it!

Raymond checked with his stethoscope.

Fixed wheezing, the sound you hear when your airway is blocked.

'Food stuck in the middle of my airway!'

A foreign body in the airway was a huge emergency.

'A human wouldn't have lasted long and would have died from lack of breath.'

Thanks to the griffin's massive lung capacity, it seemed to be doing relatively well with its narrowed airway.

'But we can't predict when it might worsen. If the food lodges further down the trachea and completely obstructs breathing, it will result in instantaneous death.'

Raymond's expression turned grave.

There was more to the dilemma.

How to extract the foreign object.

'What if it's lodged in the airway and can't be easily removed?'

The primary approach in treating airway foreign bodies is through removal via rigid bronchoscopy.

A rigid, large-diameter, straight scope is inserted through a stylet connected to the oral cavity to extract the foreign object.

This method offers the cleanest and quickest way to eliminate the foreign body.

However, there's a significant risk involved.

Upon insertion of the tube, the airway can become further obstructed, complicating proper breathing.

Moreover, mishandling of the foreign body could lead to deeper lodging, potentially resulting in suffocation and death.

'Even in modern Earth, this type of tracheal debridement is considered highly dangerous. Even medical professionals are hesitant to perform it.'

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