Chapter 156

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'Great! I'll get what I asked for, the Borison estate!'

The property in question was none other than the Borison Manor, nestled deep within the rugged Kennel Mountains of Rafalde.

No one had ever been granted ownership of the Borison Estate before, so it was undoubtedly his now.

'The White Crystal Mines are mine!'

White crystal!

It was a type of magical stone!

A mineral essential to the crafting of magic tools, the value of which is immense!

The White Crystal, a type of magical stone known as 'White Crystal,' was stored in the Borison territory.

'It was discovered by accident during the war.'

Originally, the Borison Estate had an abandoned mine within its borders, where the White Crystal lay hidden deep underground.

The discovery of this valuable resource had occurred quite unexpectedly during a wartime expedition.

'Of course, there are a few things about the Borison Estate that are a bit of a hindrance.'

Raymond frowned.

According to reports, there were several unidentified patients around the abandoned mine.

It was worth checking into further.

'I can handle this with my medicine.'

The bigger problem was that the quality of the white crystal ore seemed to be somewhat inferior.

'For some reason, it has a slightly different color than the usual white crystals. Is there an impurity in it?'

White Crystals were ores that contained mana within transparent minerals.

The quality of the ore was determined by the color of the mana within it, and the mana in this particular ore appeared somewhat cloudy.

Consequently, the White Crystals found within the Borison estate were likely of the lowest quality.

'But even if it's the lowest grade, it's still a magical stone. It's worth a lot more than ordinary minerals, and I'll be rich today.'

It was a dreamy moment.

Soon, Count Trentby approached Odin.

By the way, Count Trentby had fearlessly thrown himself into the war, determined to revive his fallen noble lineage.

He had taken a prominent role on the frontlines, slaying a considerable number of enemy knights, and played a crucial part in repelling the enemy's aggressive pursuit during their retreat.

This had earned him the distinction of being the second most distinguished individual.

Moreover, Count Trentby harbored a fierce competitive spirit towards Raymond.

Before stepping up to the podium, he shot a hostile look at Raymond.

'Yeah, yeah. Glare at me. It's a nice day, so I'll let you off the hook.'

Raymond leisurely watched Count Trentby receive his prize, when suddenly a voice rang out like a thunderclap.

"...For these merits, Count Trentby, I grant you the estate of Borison."


Raymond's eyes widened to the point of tears.

The Borison Estate he had hoped for had been given to Count Trentby out of nowhere!

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