Chapter 105

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Raymond had dodged the attack.


The onlookers were left bewildered, struggling to comprehend the swift maneuver.

Seitil's face flushed with embarrassment, still refusing to acknowledge Raymond's presence.

"How dare you!"

He attacked again.

This time it was a stab.

He put all his strength into it, hoping to shatter the shoulder in one fell swoop.

Raymond dodged again, and Seitil realized something was wrong, but it was too late.


In one sweeping motion, Raymond slashed out, exposing Seitil's side.


Raymond swung his wooden sword at the gap. With all his might.



Seitil's eyes widened.

There was no dodging the wooden sword. It was too fast and too strong.

He swung it so hard that it created wind pressure.

'No way.'

For a moment, Seitil felt a sense of déjà vu.

The duel at the Founding Banquet.

It was the time he'd been struck by his wooden sword, and now that he thought about it, it was the time he'd been struck by the inevitable.

But he realized in hindsight.


The wooden sword slammed into Seitil's face just like that!


Seitil groaned out loud and fainted!

Seitil's attendants jumped up in surprise.

"Your Highness!"

"Huh? His nose is broken!"

"He's lost another front tooth, two this time!

"Oh, no!"

With a mournful cry, they carried Seitil to the barracks for healers.

The others looked at Raymond in bewilderment.

'W-what happened?'

Raymond was just as baffled.

'I defeated Seitil?'

It wasn't like the last time at the Founding Banquet, when he could chalk it up to a fluke, but this was the second time.

'I've really gotten stronger, haven't I?!'

The soldiers looked at Raymond in surprise.

'I thought he was weak?'

'But what about that move he just made?'

The duel was so loud that many people had just witnessed the scene.

Many of the witnesses were experienced soldiers, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

'...That's a move that seems stronger than even the knights.'

Just then, a booming voice echoed through the hall.

"The winner of this duel is Baron Penin. Dismiss yourselves."

With that, Duke Leif turned to Raymond.

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