Chapter 197

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Macapell III wore a troubled expression.

Their concerns were valid.

Under normal circumstances, it would take approximately ten days for someone to travel from Rafalde.

Even if expedited, it would still require over a week.

Despite the quarantine measures in place, what if a breach occurred and the disease spread?

Fear-stricken villagers might attempt to flee, unknowingly spreading the contagion and sealing their fate.

Macapell III lamented inwardly.

'If only the Master were here by my side, none of this would trouble me.'

He envied the kingdom of Houston for having such a remarkable man as Raymond.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted outside the castle.

"... Oh my!"

"Something big....!"

The sudden uproar left those in the conference room bewildered.

"What's going on?"

"Let's investigate."

Soon, a breathless voice echoed through the halls.

"Your Majesty, we're in grave danger! A winged creature is approaching the castle!"


"Four Wings, an Elder Griffin!"

Eyes widened in astonishment.

An Elder Griffin!

A formidable double-A-ranked beast.

"Oh no, why an Elder Griffin?"

"How many?"

Griffins typically traveled in groups, enhancing their already formidable strength.

You couldn't comprehend the terror of multiple griffins descending one after the other unless you experienced it firsthand.

"That's...just one."


"And it's carrying a group of people on its back."

Confusion clouded everyone's minds.

They struggled to grasp the situation.

'A griffin rider?'

The Griffin Riders were under the command of the Three Great Powers, the mightiest nations of the Cross Federation Empire!

Only the Three Great Powers possess the knowledge to train griffins, so who else could ride them?


All heads turned toward the city wall, faces etched with bewilderment.


There it was—a magnificent sight.

The sun, just cresting the horizon, cast its radiant beams upon a majestic griffin adorned with pristine white plumage.

A dignified figure, with locks of golden hair, stood atop the creature, his countenance stoic, eyes shut tight.

Brilliant light danced around the man's hair.

"No way... Is that him?"

"It's the light of the Houston Kingdom Army!"


It was a display of heroism that left no soul untouched.

The people of the Droton Kingdom erupted in thunderous applause.

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