Chapter 145

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While trying to figure out how, Elmud spoke.

"My lord, we have guests."


"Twins, a boy, and a girl... they claim to be the children of Marquis Durak."


Raymond sprang up from his seat.

"Tell them to come in right now. Come on!"

"Yes, sir!"

Soon a boy and a girl with a doll-like appearance came into the room.

Around the age of 15? Both of them appeared to be remarkable youths, a boy and a girl.

"We greet the esteemed Baron Penin, the shining light of the great Houston Kingdom. We are Ren and Rune."

"Yes, have a seat. So, you're the son and daughter of Marquis Durak?"

"Yes, that's correct."

Raymond felt puzzled.

Where have they been all this time?

Sensing his curiosity, the girl named Rune spoke with an expressionless face.

"We were held captive as hostages in Archduke Berard's mansion. We managed to escape during the chaos when you reclaimed the capital."

"As hostages? Then, what about Marquis Durak?"

Raymond's eyes widened.

"Yes, Father had no choice but to cooperate with Archduke Berard to save us."

Indeed, there was such a circumstance!

Raymond's face lit up with joy.

Now that he had secured the children who were hostages, there was no reason for Marquis Durak to remain on Archduke Berard's side.

"I must break the news to Marquis Durak at once...!"

"It won't do any good."


The twins said with emotionless faces.

"Because we've been poisoned by Archduke Berard, and we can't live without the medicine he provides."


"Therefore, it is obvious that our father will continue to submit to Archduke Berard in order to prolong our lives."

Raymond finally realized the whole story. Berard, you murderous bastard.

Poisoning children and blackmailing them with medicine.

What a devil he was.

Just then, the twins made a sudden move.

They knelt before Raymond.

"So we dare to ask you, Baron! Please end our lives and free us from this suffering!"


Raymond's face went rigid.

"As long as we disappear, father will no longer cooperate with that demon Berard, so please use the Baron's medicine to grant us an honorable death!"

The weighty plea of the young twins drowned the room in heavy silence.


"What kind of nonsense is that..."

Raymond shook his head in disbelief.

Kill them, he thought, a request he could never grant.

But the boy, Ren, raised his red eyes and looked straight at Raymond.

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