Chapter 49

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"If it weren't for Baronet Penin, I would have had to struggle all my life."

"Thanks to Baronet Penin, I'm very happy."

"Long live Baronet Penin!"

Raymond's name rose even higher.


As such, the contagion case was put to rest.

It was Raymond's merit from start to finish. From minimizing casualties to unmasking the disease, to eradicating it.

There was nothing that Raymond did that he did not do.

Naturally, a prize was awarded.

"...Come forward."

Raymond came to the podium and furrowed his brow.

'I wanted him to hide my merit, Rao, this guy! I don't want to get tangled up in a conspiracy!'

Raymond was convinced that this epidemic was a conspiracy.

So to get his foot out of his mouth, he asked Rao to hide what he had done, but instead of hiding it?

He told them in full.

'Everyone in the world needs to know a fine man like you, brother.'

Like this.

Rao even said this with competitive eyes.

'From now on, I will be a brother who will not lose to you in the spirit of patriotism and Noblesse Oblige. No, one day, I'll surpass you!'

'I don't give a damn about that, you punk!'

What kind of frozen noblesse oblige do you want me to do?

Raymond sighed.

The more time he and Rao spent together, the weirder he seemed.

'Of course, I'd love to have my share of fame, but not this time.'

But it was after the delay.

Because he had already come to receive his award before the king.

"Is there anything you would like to receive as an award?"

Raymond realized that the words.

This was going to happen anyway, and he was going to get the maximum compensation.

He got down on one knee and asked with all his heart.

"I would appreciate it if you would give me reward money, Your Highness."

"Reward money?"

"Yes, I don't need any other reward. I only want the money."

Raymond accented his words, deliberately adding that no other compensation was necessary.

"Hm. It does not seem like a good reward compared to the accomplishments you've made."

"No, it's enough. No other compensation is necessary."

Raymond went on to say.

"I am a healer. I just did what I should have done as a healer, but do I need some big compensation? The reward money alone will suffice."

His humble (?) words elicited exclamations of admiration from all over.

Galman looked at Raymond with admiration.

'It's not a small merit by any means, but to be so modest like that. Of course, given the dedication he just showed, it's no wonder he has such deep, honest feelings.'

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