Chapter 122

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Surprisingly, they all knew Raymond's name.

It was the most famous name on the battlefield. Currently, Raymond was nicknamed the 'Light of the Kingdom Army' among the soldiers of the Kingdom of Houston, and the nickname had spread to the Drotonian side as well.

"Why did a Prince of Houston come to this place?"

Raymond shrugged.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm here to treat a patient."

Their eyes widened as they realized he was serious.


Raymond recognized the opportunity to uplift the spirits of the Drotonians.

Many of them sought solace within this refuge, and their hopeful gazes were fixed upon him.

'I'm not just saying this for the sake of it, but it's important for the castle's defense.'

By stabilizing public sentiment and fortifying the castle's defenses, Raymond ensured his own safety.

Therefore, it was crucial to foster stability among the people.

Additionally, he harbored a personal motive for his actions.

'Although they are currently our adversaries, they could potentially become patients once the war concludes.'

Once the Droton Kingdom was captured, they were all potential patients.

'So I'd better present myself in the best possible light while I still have the chance!'

With that in mind, Raymond put on his best face and walked away.

A message popped into his head.

[The 'Doctor's Charisma' is manifested!]

[A warm dignity is conveyed to people!]

[Your words are filled with eloquence and compassion for your patients!]

[The skill 'Silver Tongue' is activated!]

[Synergizes with 'Doctor's Charisma'!]

"Because I'm a healer."


"I'm a healer, so I'm here for my patient. As a healer, it matters not whether you are from Droton or not. I see only a patient in need, and my desire is to provide aid."

He sounded sincere, as always. Raymond continued

"While circumstances have made us enemies, it is not of your choosing, is it? I recognize that you are all victims of this brutal war. And as a healer, my intent is to offer my assistance to alleviate your suffering."

The eyes of the people of Droton glazed over at those words.

Victims of war.

The words cut straight to the heart of their pain.

"But we are your enemies' people..."

"As I mentioned, I am here solely as a private healer. I am Raymond the Healer, not a member of the Houston Kingdom Army."

End of story.

"If you understand, I'll see the patient."

Raymond looked at the girl's mother.

'She has a deep wound on her thigh, inflicted during the battle. Without proper treatment, it has become infected and is dangerously close to sepsis.'

The only way to save her was to clean the festering wound now and give her antibiotics.

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