Chapter 164

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At that moment, Raymond had a brilliant idea.

'Right, I have magic!'

He didn't need to purchase a new skill.

Among the magical abilities he had been practicing, there was one that was perfectly suited for this situation.

'Activate, Eagle's Eye!'

Eagle's Eye was a magical ability that allowed for meticulous examination of narrow areas.

It was the perfect magic for the current situation.

His field of vision changed.

Everything became dark as if a blackout curtain had fallen, and only the surgical area was magnified.

However, there was a limitation.

[Mana will be consumed!]

If his mana ran out, the ability would be deactivated.

Raymond's current mana stat was 23.5. Originally, it was 13.5, but it had increased to 23.5 due to adjustments by peacekeeping.

'I should have approximately 2 minutes of usage at this rate. I need to finish the surgery within that time, as I won't be able to use mana extension items during skill usage.'

Items could only be utilized under specific circumstances, typically when the system permitted it via quests.

This was not one of those situations.

He had to finish the procedure before his mana was depleted.

'Let's get to work.'

Raymond wielded his hands with precision, requiring both speed and accuracy.

Time ticked away, but he couldn't afford to let it sway him, nor could he risk damaging the pocket.

Cold sweat trickled due to his apprehension.

He was so absorbed in his work that he even forgot to breathe.

Ultimately, he succeeded in extracting the lens from the pocket.


Raymond released a profound sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had surmounted the most significant obstacle without complications.

"Is it finished?"

"Yes, it is. Now, I just need to perform a few straightforward procedures."

"...Master, you're truly remarkable."

In response to Hanson's admiration, Raymond feigned humility.

'No, I was quite flustered myself this time.'

However, it didn't appear that way to Hanson.

In Hanson's perspective, Raymond had once more displayed an astounding skill.

'The swiftness and precision with which he removed the hard, rigid lens through that small incision. I, Hanson, find myself admiring Master all over again.'

Such admiration wasn't confined to Hanson alone.

Besides Raymond and Hanson, several other healers who had come to observe and learn from Raymond's surgeries were present.

The novice healer trainees stood in awe as they witnessed Raymond's expertise.

'How can he possess such dexterity?'

'To perform surgery by inserting a knife into that tiny pupil?'

Although they had seen it with their own eyes, it was still challenging for them to believe that such an extraordinary feat was possible.

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