Chapter 78

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After defeating the creature, the party rested, and Raymond showed consideration for the less recovered members of the group.

"You knights haven't fully recovered yet, so it would be best to rest a bit longer. I'll scout the area."


"You already defeated a demon. I don't think there's any immediate danger. If I spot anything unusual, I'll send a signal right away."

The knights shook their heads in disbelief. Knights resting, healers exploring. It couldn't be.

"I don't think so. We'll keep an eye on the area, Baronet, even if it's a little overwhelming."

"That's right. There is no such thing as an expedition with a healer in the lead."

Raymond frowned as the knights refused to budge.

'Why are they being so difficult when I should be out hunting for treasure on my own? They're not listening to me.'

Raymond's intentions were obviously not for the sake of the knights.

He wanted to secretly find the treasure by himself!

'There was a demon as the final boss, so there's a good chance there's treasure around here!'

His intuition was telling him.

One hundred percent.

He must move quickly and steal the treasure.

'If I get the treasure, I'll never have to see Rose, Tulip, or whatever the name is of that snakey young lady again!'

With that thought, his heart raced.

Over time, the knights will regain their strength. Before that happens, he must steal the treasure.

"Knights, may I ask if you know what my creed is?"

"Creed... You mean?"

Raymond nodded, his face as serious as ever.

[Skill, 'Silver Tongue' manifests!]

[Speaking for the patients synergizes with the Heart of Steel skill!]

"I only act for the sake of the patient. I cannot allow my patient to take risks when they haven't even recovered."


"Of course, I know. I know you're proud royal knights, but you're just my patients. If you go out there in bad shape and get hurt again, I'll be heartbroken, so please trust me. Please."

The emotion was palpable, thanks to his Silver Tongue Skill.

A silent ripple spread through the cavity. A quiet ripple, but a powerful one.

The knights' eyes fluttered open.

They were all deeply moved.

'If you ever get hurt again, I will be heartbroken.'

What kind of healer in the world cared about their patients like that?

They choked up with emotion.


"Stop. I'm not going to hear any more of this. Get some rest. Please."

At the strong voice, the knights fell silent.

They clenched their fists to calm their pounding hearts.

'How shall we repay this favor?'

'Today. I will never forget.'

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