Chapter 73

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The nobles of the capital laughed at Count Garinson whenever they met.

"Hmph, this time Count Garinson has been disgraced by his uncivilized behavior."

"That's right, he paid a man to do such a thing. Where did he sell his nobility?"

The capital's nobles chuckled and looked at Count Garinson in disbelief.

"Moreover, bowing to an illegitimate child."

"Ah, I'm ashamed to be of the same nobility."

Just like that, Count Garinson's reputation among the nobility plummeted.

For the time being, he was not allowed to leave the manor, let alone socialize.

"Damn it!"

He cursed, but it didn't ease his anger.

Worse, he realized he couldn't do anything to Raymond right now, except curse behind his back.

He felt like a complete loser.

He was so angry he thought his heart would burst.

'Just wait. I'll never let you get away with it! Never!'

Count Garinson ground his teeth ugly like a third-rate villain.


With the threat of the Healing Tower thus averted, the next few days were peaceful at the Penin Healing Center.

When he finally had some time to spare, Raymond was all about discipleship.

"So... An infection is an inflammatory response caused by germs entering the body. Inflammation, as I explained to you last time...."

'Ugh, this is hard, my teaching skill level is still low.'

Raymond sweated as he explained.

Raymond's method of teaching his students was clear: practice and theory!

He would see patients on a daily basis, giving them instructions like, "For this disease, you should use this herb or that," and when he had time, he would teach them the basic concepts.

They all had experience as healers, so they knew how to use herbs and were comfortable with the practical treatment, but the problem was the basic medical concepts.

There were many concepts that didn't exist in Leifentina, so everyone had a hard time.

It was fortunate that the level of 'basic science' was quite advanced thanks to the research in the ivory tower of the wizards, the 'magic tower'.

If the basic sciences were as backward as they were in the Middle Ages on Earth, it would be very difficult to teach them.

'It would be easier to explain if I knew basic medicine, but I'm a resident, so I'm a watermelon.'

"Resident" only knows basic medicine at a very basic level.

You learn the basics as an undergraduate, but the focus is on clinical care.

Raymond was undaunted and continued to teach with all his heart.


'I want my students to grow up fast so they can make money for me! Hurry and grow up! Disciples, make me money! Show me the money!'

At this point, the Penin Clinic was very dependent on Raymond. It was unavoidable.

As his disciples' skills increase, so will the money he makes!

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