Chapter 151

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The junior healers fell into contemplative silence.

Hanson's voice grew weighty as he continued,

"Only those who are genuinely prepared should step forward."

The junior healers exchanged meaningful looks for a moment.

Then, a few resolute individuals clenched their jaws and took a step forward.

They addressed Hanson with unwavering resolve,

"Hanson, we have a question. As we commit ourselves to the path of sacrifice for the sake of our patients, is there a chance that we could ever become like Master Raymond?"

Hanson nodded in affirmation,

"Once again, what a foolish question. As I've stated before, the Master is like a beacon in the sky! Aspiring to reach his level is a feat that might seem impossible, isn't it?"


"We are merely striving to emulate a fraction of his greatness. Yet, even with that humble effort, you can attain astonishing heights. If you earnestly make that endeavor, I, Hanson, will be here to guide you toward that goal."

Empowered by his words, more healers stepped forward in unity.

However, when the group's number reached around 20, Hanson raised his hand to halt them.

"Stop, that's enough."


"Are you stepping forward with a genuine dedication to the patients? Can you swear by the heavens?"

The recently joined hesitant healers nodded in agreement.


"We're committed to leading lives dedicated to our patients!"

Hanson's brow furrowed.

'Blatant lies, right before my eyes.'

Having spent time with the healing corps during the war, Hanson understood their nuances better than anyone else.

The initial ten who had stepped forward were undoubtedly driven by a sincere desire to serve patients. The following group of around ten were also relatively earnest.

But what about the remaining ones?

'Likely in it for the money. They think mastering advanced medicine will bring them fame and fortune.'

For Hanson, medicine was a sacred calling, and he couldn't abide those who sought to compromise it with their greed.

'Certainly, not everyone can possess a noble heart like the Master. However, I must thwart those who aim to exploit medicine for profit.'

If medicine becomes a mere money-making venture, patients will inevitably suffer.

Individuals with such intentions will undoubtedly inflict harm on patients after haphazardly acquiring medical knowledge.

It's his duty as a disciple to prevent such occurrences.

However, he couldn't simply dismiss them outright. Hanson pondered a solution.

"Alright. I'll acknowledge your sincerity."

"And then?"

"Given your genuine commitment to the patients, we'll commence training immediately. This will be a specialized regimen designed exclusively for all of you."


The junior healers' expressions turned ashen.

A specialized training?

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