Chapter 130

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Yeah, it couldn't not work.


Vitamin C deficiency, to be exact.

Because that's what the great sea sailor disease was.


To his surprise, it worked immediately!

The sailors who had been complaining of lethargy recovered immediately.

The more severe cases of bleeding were not cured at once, but their condition improved significantly.

[Achievement, 'Devise a method of eradicating sailors' disease on the high seas'.]

[A special bonus to the big achievement!]

[Gain 300 additional skill points!]

[The sailors of the sea will long praise your achievement!]

A whopping 300 points!

Curing scurvy was simple, but revolutionary.

"W-What is this?"

Prince Rashid stuttered in disbelief.

"Great Sea Sailor's Disease is caused by a lack of a necessary element in the body due to not eating properly for a long period of time, so we can cure it by replenishing the missing element."

"Then why only ordinary sailors get it?"

"Well, because the higher-ups have been eating fresh food from the land, so they haven't gotten sick."

Scurvy begins to develop when a person is deprived of vitamin C for more than three months.

Although they received supplies from the land, all the fresh food was reserved for their superiors.

The rank-and-file soldiers could only consume dried food, which is why they got sick.

Then, a double-A healer asked in disbelief.

"H-How the hell did you do it?"

Raymond and Rashid had kept the scurvy cure a secret for the time being to protect confidentiality.

Raymond smirked and spoke in a gravelly voice.

"This is the power of medicine you've been ignoring. You can come learn it if you want, I'll even take you on as a special 'apprentice'."


"Of course, you'll have to pay me 100,000 pena first, and if you don't have the money now, you can wire it to me through an international bank. And the others, too."

Raymond grinned.

The thought of getting half a million pena off his back in one sitting was too good to be true!

The pleasure of watching their cocky complexions turn ashen was a bonus.


As the soldiers regained their strength, the fleet was soon on the move.

Most of the ships moved to the rear, carrying Houstonian troops and refugees from Droton, while one ship headed south.

It was the speedboat that would take Raymond and his men to the vicinity of the Winter Palace, but there was an unexpected guest aboard.

Prince Rashid!

"Why is Your Highness with us?"

Raymond asked in a puzzled voice.

Prince Rashid looked at Raymond with meaningful eyes.

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