Chapter 190

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"Why? Is it because, as a feudal lord, you must attend to the needs of your people?"

"That, too, but... I have evil enemies that need to be hunted down, and finding them is a priority."


"Just so you know, they are also enemies of the Magic Tower."

Laina's eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"As I mentioned to Shameron, they are the ones responsible for this whole crisis at the Crystal Mines."

Raymond shared his findings with her.

Laina crossed her arms, her expression growing serious.

"The impure mana lacking life energy, I suspect it's the handiwork of those Your Excellency has identified."

"Any speculations on who they might be?"

Laina folded her fan and clapped her palms together.

"The Bloody Temple Knights, the Mountain Elders, the Commander's Alliance, the Black Doom... and..."

Terrifying names spilled from her lips.

Various organizations emerged as enemies of the Magic Tower.

Terrorists of all sorts, they could have planned something like this.

'But could they execute something of this magnitude?'

She wondered if she could use her powers to draw the life force from the mana within the magic stones.

'Perhaps to a small extent, but drawing out such an enormous amount of mana is implausible.'

In other words, someone far more capable than her had done this.

Either that, or they possessed a special martial skill that allowed them to extract the life force from her mana.

Either way, it was unusual.

She crossed her legs as she unfolded her fan.

"This is a matter demanding increased vigilance within our tower. I will make it my mission to track them down personally."

That was the response Raymond had hoped for!

'Good! With her as the Inquisitor, we'll have a much easier time catching them by the tail.'

Then, Laina added,

"If we capture them, will you reconsider becoming my student?"



Laina was taken aback.

Raymond sensed he was at a crucial point and cleared his throat.

Fortunately, several skills came to his aid.

"Of course, I'm aware of your skills, Laina. But as a healer and feudal lord, I seek the finest mentorship for the sake of my patients and my people."

In other words, Laina was not the best.

Laina's eyes sparked.

Her pride had taken a hit.

"Ho-ho... that's an amusing statement, aiming for the best of the best..."

She laughed, but it lacked genuine humor.

The atmosphere around her became dense.

Raymond shuddered, but with the help of his unyielding determination, he stood firm.

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