Chapter 34

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"It's not all better yet, but it's definitely better than before."

Odin said in a startled tone.

'I can't believe it's getting better so soon?'

It was unbelievable.

This was because even if you took an antidote, it took a certain amount of time to work. And it wasn't just an antidote, it was all kinds of herbs.

However, even at this moment, the symptoms were getting better every moment.

'How is this possible?'

Raymond grinned inside as he watched the two surprised.

'As expected, it worked well. Alright, meat tomorrow!'

Since he seemed to have done them a great favor, he may as well charge them a lot of money.

Galman asked.

"Then, will the wound on his arm get better?"

When he checked, the speed of necrosis progressed significantly slower.

"Soon the progression of necrosis will cease completely and the damaged skin will heal naturally over time. There will be no residual effects on arm movement."

Galman sighed with great relief.

Odin thought to himself,

'If I ignored it and insisted on going to the Royal Castle, something big could have happened.'

If the tendons and muscles were completely damaged, even Count Helien had no choice.

He would have suffered fatal damage to arm function. Maybe he would have to cut it.

'I've received a lot of help again.'

It was already the second time since he helped Princess Sophia.

It was tremendous merit.

He opened his mouth like this with the intention of accepting whatever reward Raymond wanted.

"I owe you a great deal. Is there a reward you want? If there is..."

Raymond answered quickly.

"Give me money."


"You don't have to think of it as a big favor. You just have to pay for the treatment."

'Of course, the treatment will be a little expensive, huhu.'

Raymond smiled merrily.

"Hey, we're actually very high-ranking."

"Oh, I see."

It was a guess.

'They must be executives of the Underworld lGuild. They don't look like they're from terminal guilds.'

Galman said, coughing.

"If you want anything, you can say anything. We can listen to everything."

"I don't need it. All you have to do is pay."

Feeling like it was too much money, Raymond added a word for image-making.

"I'm a healer. It's only natural for me to treat patients. So what do you expect from me? Just getting a small fee for treatment is enough and overflowing."

'It's enough to rip you off. Hehe.'

Unaware of Raymond's innermost thoughts, Galman admired him.

As he had felt before, Raymond was a true healer of this era.

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