Chapter 194

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'...It's not that, right?'

No, it can't be.

The look that little cat is giving him right now is one of gratitude to the healer who healed him.

He thought there was a tiny bit of... longing in them, but he was probably mistaken.

Such idle thoughts were interrupted by an eerie sound.


It was the cry of a demon!

He turned his head in surprise and saw a huge monster standing there.

An eagle's head, a lion's body, two pairs of wings.

"A griffin!"

Christine cried out in alarm.

A griffin!

A high-level monster!

Worse, it wasn't just any griffin.

'Four wings means it's an Elder Griffin! Why is such a monster here?'

An Elder Griffin.

A higher-ranked griffin.

Naturally, it was much stronger and more difficult to deal with than a normal griffin.

A powerful monster of double A rank!

"Why is it here?"

"Oh, shit."

Rothen and Krynn took out their swords with a puzzled face.

"Relax, you have to protect our lord. "

"I know."

Rothen and Krynn tensed up as much as they could. Elmud stiffened as well.

In truth, their individual strength exceeded that of the Elder Griffin.

The problem was the griffin's cleverness.

They glide like eagles through the air and attack their enemies, cleverly targeting the weak.

No matter how powerful the knights were, they could not prevent their swift attacks one hundred percent of the time.

If a fight breaks out, there are likely to be casualties.

'What shall we do?'

Raymond's mouth went dry.

To be honest, he wasn't too worried about his own safety.

It was the non-combatants he was worried about, especially Hanson, Lyndon, and the others.

They'd be escorted, but there was no way they'd be able to stop a gliding attack from the air.

If they missed, it was game over.

They could be seriously injured, or worse, killed.

'No, never!'

Raymond gritted his teeth.

Somehow, he had to figure out a way to get through this without casualties.


Just then, the griffin let out another menacing roar.

Everyone tensed and raised their swords.

But there was something strange: The griffin didn't fly.

It didn't do anything but roar.

'What is it? Why doesn't it take to the skies?'

'Is it waiting for an opportunity?'

Everyone was on edge.

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