Chapter 47: Changes

Start from the beginning

"You're... you're alright?" I said, my voice laced with disbelief.

"I suppose you could call it that. I'm still breathing if that's what you mean by alright."

"Seb, I'm sorry... I–"

"Olive, if you say it's your fault one more time I'm putting myself back into a charmed sleep to never wake up. It is not your fault. You did nothing wrong."

I pursed my lips and stared at him. I didn't know what else to do other than apologise.

"I think we can collectively agree this is Marvolo's fault and mine for going after you but I had no choice. Look, we are both free now." He said gently.

"But at what cost, Sebastian? Look at you!" I said, pointing at his chest.

"So they had to crack me open to fix me up a bit, big deal. Just another one to add to my collection. Besides, I thought women thought scars were endearing... almost... sexy?" He smirked.

"Yeah! Sexy when they're mysterious! Like Professor Sharp's scar. It's not sexy when you know how it got there and watched it all happen!" I explained.

"Woah woah, wait a minute," he said holding up a hand, "Did you just call Sharp sexy?"

My mouth fell open to respond but my brain had apparently stopped functioning and no words were coming out. I did think Sharp was... handsome. His deep voice always tickled the right spots in my brain. But I didn't consider him sexy. Or apparently I did.

"I... I, uh no. It was merely an example." I offered up, hoping he'd accept my excuse.

"Right. Well, I'll forget you ever said that because next thing we know you'll be asking me to become an Auror." He shuddered at the thought.

"What do you want to do when we finish school? If we even get to. I'm frankly terrified to go back to Hogwarts." I asked, trying to divert the subject of my previous word vomit.

"I hadn't put much thought into it, Olive. All I know is I never want to be an Auror like my Uncle. So get those Professor Sharp fantasies out of your head." He laughed a genuine laugh. So hard he winced and pressed a hand over his fresh stitches.

I gave him a gentle whack on the arm, shaking my head slightly annoyed.

"I didn't mean he was sexy!" I defended myself again. But it was useless. I knew he'd never let me live it down.

He nodded, but with raised eyebrows. He didn't believe me.

I was glad he was in good spirits despite what had happened to him. A lesser man would have succumbed to the torture and begged for mercy. That was one of the things I loved about Sebastian (though it annoyed the shit out of me a lot), his optimism. With everything. He always saw a positive. For this? It was the fact he'd secured my safety and got me out mostly unharmed and unwed like he wanted.

"Are you alright, Olive? I realise we haven't really had a chance to speak about what happened." He asked, his tone becoming slightly more serious.

"I'm... I'm alright." I said plainly.

"You don't have to pretend like you are just because my physical state is worse than yours. Did he hurt you?" Sebastian asked.

"I had two broken ribs. He didn't lay hands on me, if that's what you're asking. He yanked me down from a high window when I tried to run for it."

"Is that all?" He asked, I suspected he knew I wasn't being entirely truthful.

It wasn't all. While he never got a chance to do anything more like I feared he would, Marvolo's fingers had tried to reach places that weren't for him. Prior to this, only myself and the man I was determined I was meant to be with forever had even seen a lick of skin beneath my clothes. I felt dirty. I hardly even wanted to admit to Sebastian that's what had happened. I don't even know if he was coherent enough to notice what I had actually been wearing when he got caught. I was petrified he'd see me differently now. That I was tainted.

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