Chapter 48: Big Choices

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I got kicked out of the hospital just before lunch. Sebastian "needed to rest" despite his protests to keep me there.

I littered his face with kisses, promising I'd be back that afternoon so I didn't miss any more classes. The Professors might just hand me over to Marvolo themselves if I keep up the truancy.

In my loved-up daze, I went back to the castle and made my way back to my dormitory to collect my books for the afternoons classes.

An owl I didn't recognise swooped in and nearly landed in my damn trunk, handing me a letter. It had the St Mungo's insignia stamped on it, but my name was written on the front in a very familiar messy scrawl with lots of love hearts surrounding it.

I tore it open, wanting to know what was so urgent that Sebastian had to send an owl when he'd just seen me.

Hello, my beautiful fiancée,

I miss you already. When you get a chance, head to my dormitory. In my trunk there should be a little brown box. It has a few items of jewellery in there that I brought with me from Feldcroft this year. I didn't want it sitting in the cottage alone all year to get pinched.

There will be a ring in there. I'd like for you to have it as a temporary thing until I can get you the one you want. It was one of mums that she left to Anne. She'd be thrilled I chose to give it to you now.

Love you,

Seb xx

He had a ring?

Now I had to choose between being late for potions or getting the ring...

I was getting the ring.

I ran as fast as I could, bursting into Sebastian and Ominis' dormitory, not even thinking and to my surprise, Ominis was there. My abrupt entry startled him and he dropped all his books.

"Oh, shit, sorry Ominis."

"Merlin, Olive! You scared me half to death! What are you doing in here?" Ominis said, clutching his chest.

"I just uh... need to get something from Sebastian's trunk." I mumbled, quickly unlatching the trunk and beginning to dig through it.

"It better not be those damned artefacts again! He told me he was taking those back!" Ominis scolded.

"No! No, it's not that... it's uh..." I tripped over my words.

I had piqued his attention now because Ominis was now standing over my shoulder.

"He needs me to collect a piece of jewellery."

"Right now? What's so urgent about a piece of jewellery you're going to miss class for it!"

I stumbled over my words, trying to explain the situation to Ominis while still rifling through the contents of Sebastian's trunk. "It's... it's a ring, alright?"

"A ring? What for? I already took back the ring he had! What are you both up to now?!" He was yelling at me now.

"Oh for Merlin's sake, Ominis. It's nothing sinister."

"Then what!?"

I sighed. I wasn't getting away with this.

"There is a ring in here that belonged to his mother. He took a whole bunch of jewellery when he left Feldcroft after the summer and he wants me to have it." I explained, hoping that would be all he needed to believe me and leave me alone.


Fucks sake!

"Because he asked me to marry him. We spoke about me changing my name to make hiding easier and... he suggested I just change it to his name."

Risk // Sebastian SallowМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя