Chapter 55: All Hallows Eve*

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Warning: very spicy content here. like really spicy. But between who 👀

My dress came in via owl post the following week. I had been in contact with Imelda and gave her a loose idea of my whereabouts. I'd left a whole pile of my things at Feldcroft in our haste to move and asked her if she could make a quick trip down one weekend to pick up one of my gowns. I trusted Imelda's judgement and left the decision up to her as to which one she sent over.

My package arrived from Imelda just as I'd began to serve myself breakfast and it landed right in the middle of my pancakes that had freshly poured syrup on them.

"Bloody stupid birds..." I mumbled and I quickly ripped the paper open to stop any syrup leaking through onto the dress.

I quickly realised that the owl had caused quite a scene and I had all eyes looking at me.


When I undid the string and opened the package, out fell a familiar black, shimmering gown.

I had worn this to Gaunt Manor.

I had forgotten about it.

I should have known. It was arguably my most exquisite gown though I didn't have much of a variety to choose from unless she wanted to send my mothers wedding dress. I couldn't believe I didn't even consider that she'd send that one.

I didn't even have time to request another. The ball was on Thursday.

My eyes drifted over to Sebastian who was already looking at me. His eyes dragged down to the dress in my hands and I swore I saw his throat bob as he swallowed his saliva with a hard gulp before he shook his head slightly and diverted his attention elsewhere.

I also noticed he'd taken off his wedding ring which nearly brought me to tears at the table. So naturally, I took both of mine off immediately and shoved them into my robe pocket, making a mental note to return his mothers ring to him when we crossed paths next.

Which was unfortunately first period of the day. Potions.

Sebastian had somehow found another place to sit rather than with me and Lawson had decided to take his place to save me having to entertain some other random student who simply wanted to pry about my life.

"You look awfully solemn today. I thought you were doing better?" Lawson said as he turned the pages of his textbook.

"I was. Until I noticed this morning Sebastian wasn't wearing his ring anymore." I said, not really drawing my eyes off my own book.

"And you're not wearing yours?" Lawson noticed.

"Not anymore. They're in my pocket. Actually, wait here a moment." I told him.

I had a sudden burst of courage to finally approach Sebastian. This was going to be the first time we'd spoken since the garden.

"Thought you might like your dead mothers ring back." I said as I reached his potion station, trying not to sound furious.

"Right. Thanks." He said, holding out his hand as his eyes caught mine for a very brief moment.

His eyes traced down my face until he caught sight of the rings now in his palm, touching them slightly with his finger before shoving them deep into his pocket.

"I hope you're making Anne proud."

I knew it was a low blow. I knew it was mean. I knew it was harsh. But I didn't fucking care. My heart was smashed into tiny shards and he didn't even seem to care. Not even slightly.

Risk // Sebastian SallowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon