Chapter 44: Marvolo

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tw: some non-con and torture references in this one and the next few too, please take care and feel free to skip over the next few chapters if this kind of content may upset you ❤️

Sebastian's voice screaming my name was the last thing I heard before I felt a large hand on my shoulder and the aching pull of apparition on all my limbs. I squeezed my eyes shut, absolutely terrified by what I was going to witness when I opened them.

"We're here, sweetheart."

Urgh. These pet names are making me feel physically ill.

"Oh come on, don't be difficult. Open your fucking eyes."

I felt the firmness of a wand press into the back of my neck and I inhaled a breath sharply. My hands moved to my back to find my own before the same large hand that had been on my shoulder quickly wrapped around my wrist.

"No use, darling. I have it."

I opened my eyes and Marvolo was twirling my wand in front of me, taunting me with it.

I finally dared to look around and observe my surroundings. I was in... a bedroom?

"Where the fuck have you taken me?" I spat.

"Wow. That's no way for a lady to talk. If you can't control yourself, I may just have to gag you. I was hoping it wouldn't come to that and you'd simply cooperate."

"Sebastian already told you, I won't cooperate and you can't and won't have me."

"Oh but darling, Sebastian isn't here and... well, I already have you, don't I?"

Marvolo chuckled a sardonic laugh, making me shift my feet with nerves.

"Now, you'll stay put. I have some things to take care of but I will be back later. Don't forget, bad behaviour will have consequences." Marvolo said with a wicked smile before turning to leave the room.

I was left alone, my heart was racing and my mind racing even faster. Peering around the room, I took in the room that was apparently my new home. The bedroom was extravagant, decorated with dark wooden furniture and heavy red and velvety curtains.

I had no idea where I was. I figured Marvolo was smart enough to not take me to Gaunt Manor, that would be too easy. But it still felt homely-ish. There was a large bed with intricately carved posts and deep burgundy bedding spread over it, a vanity covered with various perfumes and cosmetics, and a faint scent of sandalwood in the air. It was as if he had prepared this place to be comfortable but still remind me that I was a captive.

My gaze shifted back to the door through which Marvolo had exited. His threats played over and over in my head, and I knew I needed to find a way out before he returned. I quickly moved to the window and reached up to peer out, realising it opened up to a large, expansive garden outside. God, I hoped that it wasn't enchanted to prevent escape.

As I approached the window, I saw that it was in fact locked. I tried to force it open, but it wouldn't budge and without a wand I was pretty much stranded. Frustration welled up inside me, and I scanned the room for something I could use to break the window or pick the lock.

And then I had a thought.

My hairpins.

I yanked one out of my hair, letting it fall in front of my face. I double checked the door again to make sure Marvolo hadn't returned, he hadn't. It was now or never.

I pried open the hairpin and shoved it inside the window lock, twisting it and turning it every way I could. I seemed impossible.

"Come on..." I mumbled to myself.

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