Chapter 30: Grovelling

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"Oh, get off me, Sebastian!" Ominis' sudden loud, disgusted voice and thrashing jolted me awake in the middle of the night.

"What's the matter? Olive never complains when I cuddle her." I said with a sleepy croak, illiciting a laugh out of Olive.

"Olive has also willingly gotten herself involved in your romantic gestures, I have not!" Ominis said repulsed.

"Yeah! You just chose to cozy up with my sister." I bit back. I truly didn't mean it, I was happy for them. But it was such an easy target.

"Sebastian!" Olive scolded, with a sleepy smack to my arm. "Shut the fuck up and go back to sleep!"

"Please." Ominis said with an annoyed groan, grabbing a pillow from under his head and placing it between us with a loud thump.

I chuckled to myself and rolled over so my back was now towards Ominis and pulled Olive closer, tucking her head under my chin.

"You alright?" I whispered into her hair as I tangled my fingers in the back of it.

"Mmhm." She mumbled.

I let her fall asleep first before even thinking about getting anymore myself.

When I stirred again just as a very small amount of light appeared through the tiny window in the roof of the Undercroft, I noticed Olive was awake before me. She still had my arm around her, my hand pooled in her lap, but she was sitting up and Ominis was gone.

"Where did he go?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"To see Anne."


Something in Olive's eyes looked different this morning. She seemed distant, almost worried.

"What's happened?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbow and kissing her arm.

"Nothing. Just tired. Can we get some breakfast?" She said quickly.

"Of course."

We detoured past the common room on the way to get changed into our uniform but Olive still seemed off.

"Something's on your mind." I told her as her expression remained unchanged upon her exit from her dormitory, her Slytherin robe flowing behind her as she gracefully walked down the stairs.

"Is it?"

She gave me a hug, but it felt like an obligation, rather than her usual welcoming type. I hardly felt like her boyfriend this morning.

"Olive. Seriously. What's going on? Have I done something?" I said softly, not wanting her to think I was mad and stop her from opening up.

I was absolutely terrified that I was fucking this up somehow. I almost had before with my stubbornness, refusing to let myself give and feel love for her as much as I wanted to. It took for me to almost lose her to Weasley to release how idiotic that was.

I broke down my walls and let her in, showering her in all the love, adoration and pleasure she so deserved... but maybe I was going too far. Maybe I was coddling her.

"Can we talk about it later?" She said plainly.

It? What it? I had done something...

The abruptness at which she ended our conversation made breakfast quite an awkward affair for both of us. We sat together and she let me lay my hand on her thigh as I did every day at breakfast but she was silent. Normally we'd talk about Ominis or Anne or something stupid she saw Leander do in passing yesterday but today she simply ate her breakfast.

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