Chapter 84: The Sallow Home*

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Warning: your last ever smut for this fic ahead. I've decided to go all out for Kinktober in celebration. A bit of Subastian and Domlive throughout 🫢

The morning light shone through the cracked window of our bedroom, casting dancing shadows through the large oak tree that lingered just outside.

I felt a finger run down my cheek and stop on my jaw.

"Sebastian..." I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut even tighter, not wanting to open my eyes to face the realities of the day.

"Mmm." He mumbled right back.


I flittered my eyes open to see his honey brown eyes already staring at me, the sun dancing across his face making them glow a soft amber. Sebastian's messy, chestnut hair fell across his forehead, and the corners of his lips curled into a smile.

"Good morning." he whispered.

"Morning," I replied, stretching like a cat beneath the cozy blanket.

As my senses fully woke up, I noticed the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting into the room.

"What time is it?" I wearily asked.

"Nine." He smiled casually.

"AM?!" I jolted up out of bed.

Sebastian laughed. "Don't worry, they're all still asleep."

"Even the twins?"

"Even the twins."

"Typical. On their best behaviour when you're back..." I scoffed.

Sebastian chuckled. "They must have missed me."

I rolled my eyes as I shrugged on my robe and made my way to the kitchen where Sebastian had already prepared a hot coffee for me. He walked it over to me, ushering me to the lounge.

"Drink then you can have a shower." He smiled, returning back to the kitchen.

He quickly whipped up blueberry pancakes and the smell must have roused Eloise from her sleep because she tiptoed into the kitchen, her tiny frame barely visible above the table.

"Morning, Mummy!" she squealed, her eyes wide with the innocence that only a small toddler possesses.

"Good morning, sweetheart," I said, scooping her up in my arms. "Did you sleep well?"

She responded with nothing more than a giggle because her attention was quickly diverted to the pancakes that Sebastian was expertly flipping on the stove.

"Blueberry pancakes?" she asked excitedly.

Sebastian grinned, "Absolutely, just the way you like them."

He served up plates for the three of us and we enjoyed a moment of peace, just us like it used to be until we heard the distant sounds of the twins cooing and whining at each other.

"Stay. I'll get them." Sebastian beamed, returning a few minutes later with them changed and dressed, ready to be fed.

He gently placed them in my lap, one in each arm as they drank, hand feeding me bits of pancake as if I were a baby bird.

"You know I can just wait until they're done, Seb." I said through a mouthful of pancake.

He laughed, "Don't be ridiculous. Here. Have more." He shoved another piece in, making me almost choke.

After breakfast and the morning chaos, Sebastian took Eloise, Emma and Archie to the yard to play, giving me a chance to actually have a warm shower child-free. I never realised how much I appreciated these small things until I couldn't do them.

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