Chapter 51: Veela

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Turns out you don't sleep well when you are in an unfamiliar place and you know all eyes are on you. I couldn't even take myself down to the girls bathrooms to shower without being bombarded with questions from seemingly everyone.

One that particularly caught my attention was "Is the boy you came with single?"

"S-sorry, who are you?" I asked, shaking my head to try and find out where this girl got the audacity to ask such a question without even so much as a hello.

"Francesca Pollard." She beamed.

Francesca was pretty. She was tall, blonde and, from what I could tell, very curvy. I learned she was also a 7th year Thunderbird. And one of my dorm mates.


"I- he's... uh."

Don't embarrass yourself in front of the pretty bachelorette, you old, married hag!

"He's... I don't know."

Fucking idiot.

I meant to say no and I don't think so. Instead, it came out as I don't know. Then I found myself instinctually hiding my left hand behind my back as we spoke, not even aware I was trying to hide my rings now.

Was I embarrassed by our relationship? I didn't even know. And that time I actually meant I don't know.

"Interesting. Lovely to meet you... uh..." she trailed off as she started to turn away.


"Olive! Bye!"

Francesca skipped away, her long, thick blonde hair blowing behind her.

I was going to be in trouble.

At Hogwarts I had no problem swatting girls away from my Seb. But here, apparently I was sending them right towards him.

It didn't take Francesca long because when I finally managed to shower and dress myself for my first day of classes, Sebastian had already been bailed up by her in the common room.

And like the oblivious twat he was, he seemed none the wiser that she was so blatantly flirting with him as he exchanged smiles and even a laugh with her.

Or maybe he just doesn't want you. He wants the pretty blonde girl!

I decided to bite my tongue instead of crash tackling her to the ground and beating her to a pulp and would let Sebastian figure this out on his own. Until I spoke to him later on because let's be honest, I couldn't help myself.

"Ahh! Mrs. Sallow! Just who I was hoping to find. Is Sebastian around?" Professor Whitman said, peering over my shoulder.

Now that the stress was over, I was finally able to observe Professor Whitman. She seemed too young to be a deputy headmistress. She had cascading black hair that had been pulled into a braid and plopped on top of her head. She had porcelain skin and the deepest, greenest eyes I had ever seen. She oozed the same aura I got from Professor Garlick. Warm, cheery and welcoming.

"Oh. Yes, he's just down there." I pointed towards the common room in his direction.

"I see he's made acquaintance with Miss Pollard. Wonderful. She's actually in your first class today. I've tried to pair you in as many classes together as I could with her since you share a room."


I barely listened to anything Professor Whitman said, all I knew is I had Defence Against the Dark Arts first. So she would take us there whenever Sebastian was ready.

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