Chapter 17: Mandrakes

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I pried my naked body off Sebastian's in a hurry when we heard banging on the door to the dormitory.

In my sleepy daze, I had almost forgotten where we were until Sebastian lifted the blankets and pulled them over my head and quickly drew the curtains of his bed, kicking my clothes under his bed with his foot.

He approached the door quickly, pulling on his pyjama pants as he went.

"Sebastian? Are you in there? Why is this locked!"

It was Ominis.

I heard the sounds of Sebastian unlocking the door and it burst open, Ominis sounding furious.

"Why was the door locked? What have you been up to?" Ominis pressed.

"Nothing, Ominis. I locked it for safety!"

There was an awkward silence and though I couldn't see what was happening, I could feel the tension and just knew Ominis didn't believe him.

"Alright, I was... having a wank." Sebastian said with a tone of defeat in his voice.

Oh god. I almost flinched at the words.

"Oh, that's disgusting, Sebastian!"

"Well, you asked to know what I was doing!"

"You could have lied to me!"

Ah my sweet, sweet Ominis. If only you knew that was the lie.

Sebastian stepped back to the bed to rejoin me when the door bust open again, this time with his two other sighted roommates who would be able to see me leaving their room.

"Fuck..." I mumbled.

"Don't worry," he whispered as he climbed back into bed, tugging me closer to him so our warm bodies were mashed together again, "I'll get you out eventually. But for now, let's keep doing this."

He pressed a soft and silent kiss on my head and pulled me close, his large arms enveloping me completely. I felt safe and completely content in his arms... until I remembered that he didn't want this and it was only a temporary post-sex high we were both experiencing.

And only then had I realised the severity of what we'd done. Sebastian didn't want a relationship with me but I had just let him take the one thing most men looked for when they wanted a wife. I was bound to Sebastian forever now, whether he liked it or not. He was always going to be my first and me, his. But we could never be together.

A few hours had passed and I made sure to stay awake while a sleeping Sebastian breathed deeply in my arms. And when I was certain everyone else was deep asleep, I pulled my clothes out from under his bed and quickly dressed and returned to my own dormitory, making sure to change into my night clothes so I could feign ignorance when I was asked where I was all night.

"Wake up, sunshine. Sebastian is looking for you." Imelda jolted me awake with a hand pressing my cheeks together and shaking my face side to side.

"Urghhh what time is it?" I groaned, batting her hand away and rolling over to my side.


"Why the fuck is he looking for me at 7:30am on a Sunday for Merlin's sake!" I grunted into my pillow.

"Ask him yourself, I'm going back to bed but if I get woken up by him calling your name again I'm going to personally hex him and then you."

I dragged my weary body out of bed and I suddenly realised just how sore I was. I was prepared for the act itself to hurt... but I wasn't prepared for the aches and pains I'd feel in my loins afterwards. I desperately needed a shower.

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