Chapter 72: Adjusting

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I took Olive straight back to Feldcroft, still tucked against my body and placed her delicately on the soft bed. She laid there still with her eyes squeezed shut. Like she didn't want to believe it. It was like she wasn't with me at all and I'd left her spirit behind, just carrying her empty body.

I left her where she was and dragged the copper tub into our room and filled it quickly. A short blast of Incendio had it warm enough she would be comfortable. If there was one thing I'd noticed besides how much her abdomen had grown, it was how cold she was to touch.

I took the prison garb off her and tossed them into the fire place.

Blasted things.

And with her completely exposed, I could see everything her wonderful body had done to accomodate our baby. The swell of her stomach, the growth in her chest. I was in awe of her and everything she was capable of. She was no longer the girl I fell in love with, she was now a woman. And a mighty fucking powerful one at that. I almost felt like I wasn't worthy of her. But I was damn blessed she chose me anyway.

But she was shivering so I was quickly snapped back to the reality of what I was here for.

I scooped her up again and helped her body glide down into the tub. She instinctually bent her knees up and sunk her head back so her neck was rested along the back of it. Her little stomach was peeking out the top of the water and I resisted the urge to touch it desperately.

Not now. Soon.

I washed her, taking a cloth to every piece of her broken body, lightly making sure she was clean. I scrubbed her long hair, brushing it as I went I make sure there were no more knots. Her eyes finally unscrunched a little and she seemed like she was relaxing. So I let her lay. And I pulled up a stool and just sat beside her, looping one of my hands through hers and the other stroking her hair. My chin rested in the edge of the tub, watching her inhale and exhale deeply.

"You're so brave, love. I'm so proud of you. For making it through."

She didn't budge.

I sighed. Was a naive enough to think that I'd get her back and everything would be straight back to normal? Yes. But that was stupid of me to hope for. That place ruins you. If you don't die of starvation, your mind will surely take you in the end.

She needed time.

Time we didn't really have the luxury of considering the due date that was impending if my calendar was correct (and it was. As if I'd fuck that one up.)

I continued to soothe her, her whole body seemingly relaxed. Her hands unclenched and her head even lulled to the side slightly.

"You're so incredible. I love you so much." I reminded her, lifting her hand to gently kiss it.

This time, Olive stirred. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing tired and glassy eyes. Her gaze met mine, and for a moment, there was a flicker of recognition. It was as if a distant part of her had heard my words and realised it was real.

"Sebastian..." she mumbled. Her voice was choked and gravelly. As if she hadn't used it for a long time.

"Shh. Shh... it's alright, you don't need to talk." I said, kissing her hand once more. "We're safe now. We're back in Feldcroft, and you're going to be okay."

Olive's lips trembled, and she managed a weak smile in return. Her voice was barely a whisper, but it was a start. "Sebastian..."

I leaned in closer, daring to press my forehead to hers, though I wanted to do so much more. I wanted to simply pull her into my arms, squeeze her and never let go. "Yes, it's me. I'm right here."

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