Chapter 53: Careers

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Three weeks. Three fucking weeks of detention and a scolding from Headmaster Goldhorn who was "more than happy to accept my transfer due to Professor Weasleys exemplary reference, though she must have missed brawling when she wrote it."

I hardly call it a brawl. One swift punch to the face and that girl fell flat on her ass, crying and sobbing with a broken nose.

Sebastian said it was the hottest thing he'd ever seen me do.

"Holy shit. Who knew my wife had an arm on her?" He choked back a laugh as we watched her drop to the ground, clutching her face.

With Francesca on her way to the hospital wing of the school and everyone else preoccupied with the party, Sebastian dragged me to my room and showed me just how fucking hot he thought it was. And he upheld his promise of no surprise internal releases.

Thank Merlin.

But the next morning was my undoing. Francesca had told on me, roping in a few convenient witnesses but missing out the part out about how she very much deserved it for her blatant disregard for Sebastian's wishes.

I don't know how he did it, but he continuously resisted her charm most men would fall for. I suppose that's why she was so insistent. He was out of her grasp.

She must not have been a very good Veela because from what I had read after finding out that's what she was, they were usually successful the first time. And the more men were exposed to them, the more resistant they became. Probably why she gave us space for a few weeks. To charge her appeal. Or whatever they want to call it.

But I was certain she'd likely never do it again though lest she want a broken arm or worse next time.

On my second week of detention, which I was serving with quite a few other students from various years and included writing lines upon lines on parchment, a face I did not want to see in detention appeared beside me.

"Sebastian... what did you do..." I groaned.

I had hoped that a new school would have meant a new Sebastian.

"May have transfigured one of the other students into a chicken."

"What?" I tried hard not to laugh. But it was painfully obvious it was not an accident.

"Ah yes, Sebastian Sallow, the spell master accidentally turning someone into a chicken." I rolled my eyes.

"You caught me. I missed you. Three weeks straight of not seeing you at all after class is driving me absolutely mad." He said, pushing his legs wider to touch our thighs together.

I wanted to make him stop, we were in enough trouble as it was, but I let him do it and even pushed my leg against him more.

He let his hand wander under the desk, sliding it down my thigh to try and bundle my skirt up, his fingers touching my skin.

"Sebastian..." I whispered, shifting my legs back together to try and shake him off.

He didn't listen, though he was content to simply let his hand linger on my thigh as he continued to scratch his quill against the parchment.

Which I let him do. Satiating Sebastian now he was starting to get comfortable around the school and finding secret spots to take me was getting difficult. It's like he was making up for lost time. I could tell he missed the privacy of the Undercroft and the Room of Requirement.

Detention finally drew to a close though not without a wrist cramp from writing so much and we were released, just making it back in time for dinner. Daisy, and Sebastian's new friend, Lawson Carr, joined us at the table.

Risk // Sebastian Sallowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن