Chapter 38: The Stages of Grief

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"Sebastian! No!" I yelled, sprinting towards him as quickly as my legs could carry me.


I squeezed my eyes tightly closed as I waited to see the beam of green and hear the thump of his lifeless body, but instead, I was met with silence.

"Avada Kedavra."


"Avada Kedavra."

After what felt like an eternity, I reached Sebastian and tackled him to the ground, knocking his wand out of his grasp.

"Sebastian, no you can't!" I sobbed, pulling him hard into my arms despite his protests.

"I need to die!" He yelled and screamed into my chest as I kept my vice grip on his shirt, ensuring he stayed with me.

"No! You don't!"

"I do! Let me die, Olive!"

"Sebastian, please!" I said, now begging him to stop.

Sebastian began to thrash, his strength beginning to overpower me as he reached out wildly, trying to find his wand.

"Sebastian! Listen to me!" I begged and pleaded, my legs wrapped around his waist as I tried to reign in his wrists.

"No! No, I won't listen, I need to die!"

I was losing. He was going to get his wand.

I didn't want to do what I did next... but I had no choice. I couldn't risk letting him try once more because what if it worked? What if he really meant it this time?

I grappled with him and managed to pull my own wand out of my robe.

"Incarcerous!" I yelled, a long rope snaking out from my wand and binding his ankles, followed by his wrists.

"Olive, what are you doing? Let me do this, I am begging you! I want to die! I don't want to feel like this!" Sebastian cried out, banging and thrashing around as tears streamed down his face.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian. I'll be back in a minute. I promise. I'm sorry." I reassured him as I collected his wand and tucked it into my own pocket.

I left Sebastian sobbing, his cries for help absolutely shattering my heart into a million pieces. I was sobbing myself as I ran the shortest way I could think possible to the Slytherin common room.

The best thing about being Professor Sharp's favourite student was getting to keep most of my concoctions. I had flawlessly brewed a calming draught weeks ago in Sebastian's absence. He needed it more than I did.

I collected it quickly from my trunk and tucked it into the pocket with his wand and began the sprint back to the Room of Requirement.

Sebastian was screaming just as loud as when I'd left him but he'd stopped exerting himself by trying to break the magical binds I'd put on him, realising it wouldn't work and the ropes just pulled tighter the more he struggled.

"You fucking bitch! Let me go!" He screamed, his body beginning to thrash again as he saw me enter the room again.

I winced. I knew he didn't mean it. He wasn't in the right state of mind but it hurt me deeply being called those things. Especially when I was trying to help.

"I have something for you." I said.

"Is it my fucking wand? Give me your own, I don't care, just end this now! I am begging you!"

"No, Sebastian. It's a potion."

"Better be a very fucking potent draught of living death then."

I ignored his pleas and popped the cork on the potion, forcing his mouth open and pouring the liquid down his throat. Though he verbally protested, he drank it without an issue.

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