Chapter 39: The Third Artefact

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The last thing I expected was for Sebastian not to be there when I woke up. But unfortunately it was the first thing I noticed.

My mind immediately went into chaos mode, thinking of all the worst possible scenarios to explain his absence.

I didn't have to wait and panic myself for long because Sebastian returned with two plates of breakfast for us both and I breathed a sweet sight of relief.

"Merlin, Sebastian, you half scared me to death. I didn't know where you went!" I scolded him.

"It's been a while since I had fresh air. Besides, you've taken such good care of me. I'm feeling good enough today so I may as well do something for you. Look."

He placed the plates down on the small table and pulled a small, brown paper bag out of his jumper. He passed it to me and I knew instantly what it was just be the weight and scent.

"These aren't on the menu today..." I said, peeling open the bag.

"I know. And don't worry, I didn't bake them. Just had to pull a few strings in the kitchens." He smirked.

He'd asked the elves to make me my favourite scones.

"Fuck, I love you so much." I said, almost forgetting to kiss him before demolishing one of them.

"Oh, and I spoke to Ominis."

I almost choked on my mouthful of food, trying to not cough and splutter while I formed a response, "You did?"

"Yeah. I stopped past my room to get some more clothes and he was there. He said he'll come past this afternoon."

"Oh. That's great. How is he?" I asked.

"Eh, he acts fine but I think he's struggling more than he lets on. I've never seen him so fidgety before, he's always twirling that ring on his finger."

"I'm certain you would too if we were married and I died. It's the only thing he has left."

Sebastian furrowed his brows and nodded, taking a big sigh.

"Sorry." I said, realising I'd probably said too much.

"No, no. It's fine. You're right. But I'm hoping having him come and see us will help. I heard he's been pretty secluded, as if he wasn't enough of a recluse already."

I agreed, having him come past would probably be helpful for everyone.

Sebastian and I ate our breakfast and then I cleaned up the room like it was my own house and we were having guests over. I made our bed, tidied, swept floors.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian asked as he emerged from his shower to see me enchanting a mop.

"Cleaning." I said, my face changing to confusion as I thought it was fairly obvious what I was doing.

"Let me rephrase—why are you doing that?" Sebastian said.

"Because Ominis is coming over."

"It's not our home, Olive." Sebastian said with a small chuckle.

"I know that... I just... don't want to look like a slob."

"Olive. Ominis is blind. You could walk around naked and he wouldn't even know." Sebastian said with a small laugh.

Oh. Fuck. I forgot. Again.

"He probably would know though." I said.

"Yeah. He probably would. He seems to have a sense for when I decide to take off my shirt no matter how quietly I do it.

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