Chapter 20: Jealous Games*

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Warning: Super duper spicy


I listened to Olive and decided to respect the boundaries she wanted for me. I left that hospital wing and didn't look back.

I was mad. Mad at myself. Mad at Olive. Mad at Ominis and Anne for being so fucking happy. I know it was childish, but I couldn't help it.

Ominis had tried to pry me out of my bed for a week, but I'm fairly certain I told him to fuck off more times than I can count. When Nurse Blainey asked me to collect her work from class for her, I did. But I bailed up Garreth to take it up there. I knew she'd probably prefer his company anyway.

"She's getting discharged this afternoon. You should visit her before she leaves." Ominis told me one morning where I particularly couldn't be arsed dragging myself out of bed for breakfast.


"What do you mean 'nah'? What are you? A child?" Ominis scoffed.


"Well if you won't go, then I will and I'm going to tell her how you feel."

"Then go right ahead, Ominis. She won't believe you anyway."

How Ominis figured out I loved Olive was beyond me, but I truly believed she'd think Ominis was just trying to get us to like each other again. Though I never stopped liking Olive. I adored her deeply and having to distance myself from her went against everything my heart wanted but my head knew it was for the best. So I let Ominis go to tell her whatever he wanted.

My heart did skip a beat momentarily when I caught a glimpse of her entering the common room for the first time in almost two weeks, but she didn't even turn her head in my direction. She went straight to her room.

I scoffed and shook my head, returning to my game of Wizards chess with one of the second years.

Days and days had passed with no more than a passing look to make sure I didn't sit next to her in potions, but I didn't. I suffered and sat next to Nellie Oggspire who seemed quite excited by my presence next to her.

I stole a couple of looks at Olive, feeling her eyes burning into me as Nellie spoke to me, shared my text book and used my (not very helpful) expertise in making her potion.

Funny how it worked. She could flaunt Garreth in my face but the second another girl paid me any attention, she was glaring at me.

This bullshit went back and forth for weeks. But I enjoyed toying with her. I would never in a million years even consider giving any of these girls more than a moment of my time, but watching Olive squirm, seeing her desperate to tell me off, tell me I'm a flirt. It was thrilling. All I had to do was talk to Adelaide Oakes about her Herbology homework and I could see Olive fuming in her seat.

She wasn't much better than I, she was letting herself actually be seen in public with Garreth. Not that she was ever that discreet, I'd busted them a few times, but they would touch hands under the table, he would tuck her hair behind her ear. It was sickening.

Unlucky for her though, the Quidditch season was allowed to run this year and Garreth had rejoined the Gryffindor team as a beater. I don't know if it was lucky or unlucky, but the first game was Slytherin vs Gryffindor. I knew this would tear her. She was fiercely loyal to Slytherin... but her lover boy playing on the opposite team and as a beater... she was bound to be torn between her allegiance and her feelings.

Friday, the night of the Quidditch match arrived after another few days of the back and forth filthy looks Olive and I were exchanging. The whole school seemed to be buzzing with excitement, especially since it was a Gryffindor vs Slytherin match, one of the most intense rivalries.

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