Chapter 56: The Morning After

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"What are you doing?" I whispered as Sebastian tried to delicately roll me out of his arms, startling me from my sleep.

I blinked my bleary eyes a few times to see that it was now morning. And I wasn't the only female in the dorm.

Lawson's bed was empty and their other dorm mate had a 7th year Wampus girl I recognised in his bed.

"Shhh. Taking my potion." He whispered, uncorking a purple vial he'd pulled from his bedside.

Thank Merlin.

I hadn't actually thought to even ask last night when we were in the middle of our hate-turned-love fuck.

"You brewed it?" I asked.

"No. That one over there?" He whispered, pushing his curtains to the side and pointing to the bed directly opposite his, "He's got different girls in his bed every weekend. I noticed and asked him about it. He takes them too so I've been buying them off him."

"Oh... how did we not hear them last night?" I asked, snuggling back into his arms now he'd taken the potion.

"You might not have heard them, but I certainly did. He usually casts a silencing charm but I suppose they were too drunk from the ball." Sebastian said with a shudder.

The ball. I'd left Lawson high and dry and I was now feeling awful about it. He hadn't even come to bed.

"Why did you want to talk to Lawson last night anyway?" I asked.

"I was actually going to ask him how you were and thank him for looking after you. I knew you were upset but I couldn't bare to face you myself. Cowardly of me, I know."

I hummed at his response, not wanting to say I agreed with him, even when I did.

"I am truly sorry again... I wish this had never happened, I don't even know when it started or what the obsession is. There's nothing that's super special about me..."

"Oh, I beg to differ." I said, playfully tracing my hands down his body.

Sebastian groaned, "As much as I'd love to have a repeat of last night, though perhaps with a little less of the teasing, I don't really fancy having my roommates be subjected to it like we were."

"Hm. You're no fun. I'd have thought for sure you'd want to make it up to me." I whined.

"And I will. Just not right now. Besides, is there not a Veela you'd be hoping to deal with today? It's a Sunday so there won't be many professors about."

"Oh I'll take care of her alright. But speaking of her, I did want to ask one more thing... the last time we were together, you didn't have any contraceptive potions. We were broken up until last night... why did you start buying the potions?"

Sebastian's face went white and his mouth gaped, though words didn't come out.


"I... I don't know. I'm certain we didn't... I..." he trailed off.

"It's fine. I'll just ask her myself today. Did you happen to bring that leftover Veritaserum over with you?"

Sebastian couldn't help the wicked grin that grew on his face as he realised just what I was going to do.

"I didn't. But I'm sure my friend over there can help. He's quite the potions master. Though he's actually good. Not like our old friend at Hogwarts."

I snorted back a laugh knowing he meant Garreth.

"Well. I will go back and freshen myself up. When your friend wakes up and you get the potion, let me know."

I peered out from behind the curtains of Sebastian's bed, the other two were still asleep.

Risk // Sebastian Sallowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें