Chapter 4: The Room

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Four heavenly weeks of actively avoiding Sebastian and my feelings for everything and everyone. I couldn't be in a fucking mood if I didn't let anyone or anything piss me off.

I did irritate Imelda, though. She didn't like our friendship dynamic change. She said she was drawn to me for being a bubbly ball of sunshine that balanced her carefree, edgy vibe. But now we were too similar.

"I still love you, though!" She said one night, laying kisses on my forehead before drawing my curtains closed and applying a silencing charm to my four-poster bed so she didn't have to hear my tossing and turning all night.

But the four weeks were short lived. After I finished an extra moment of study in the Astronomy classroom, I descended the many stairs, utterly exhausted and turned the corner to see Sebastian Sallow standing and looking contemplatively at a wall.

I was trapped. The only way was to return up the stairs and wait it out, or pass by him.

So I chose to stay completely still instead and plan my movements. I observed him for a few moments as he watched a door appear. He opened it, stuck his head inside, groaned very loudly and stepped out before slamming the door shut. He squeezed his eyes shut, then open and repeated it again. Then again. Then again.

I'd had enough. I tried to take cautious steps behind him, hoping he was so absorbed in whatever the fuck he was doing he wouldn't notice me. But then I dropped my bloody textbook on the floor with a loud thump that reverberated off the walls.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed, jumping so high he almost broke through the ceiling. He turned quickly and noticed it was me, biting his tongue and opting not to say a word as we'd mutually decided to not speak anymore.

I sighed deeply before deciding to break the vow we'd made, "What are you doing?"

"Am I allowed to talk to you now?" He dared to challenge me.

"... Yes." I scowled, narrowing my eyes at him.

He sighed and looked to be in thought for a moment.

"This door randomly appeared for me last week, when I opened it, it was full of Potions textbooks. The one I had lost in my dormitory to be exact and I needed that book for the next class. But I came past today and it appeared again but the damned thing is empty. I know I sound mad, but-"

"You don't. This is the Room of Requirement. It only appears when a person is in great need of it." I explained, a hand firmly planted on my hip to show I was serious and knew what I was talking about.

"How do you know that?" He looked confused.

"I used it last year for my extra study and assignments. Professor Weasley showed it to me. So, what are you in dire need of?"

"I... actually don't know. It's large but empty."

I sighed again and took a step forward, prying the door open. I was greeted with a small-ish, dark room with a closet in it.

"Is this what you're looking for?" I asked, pointing at it.

"Is what what I'm looking for? There's nothing in there, Olive! I'm telling you!"

Now I was confused. I pulled on Sebastian's robe and dragged him into the room behind me and closed the door.

"The closet! Right in front of us!" I said, pointing at the thing that was now mere metres away from us, getting frustrated.

"I don't see it, Olive."

The two of us stood still, utterly gobsmacked and unsure what it all meant. Until I noticed a familiar swirl.

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