Chapter 1: Nightmares

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Ughhh. I had just started to close my eyes. Surely it's not morning already?

"Olive, get up, it's 8am. Classes start soon, you need to go get breakfast."

I blinked open my bleary, bloodshot eyes to see the view of my way too awake and perky roommate, Imelda Reyes, staring down at me as she bent over my bed. Her eyes were piercing into me.

"It's first day, aren't you at least somewhat excited to get back into it? Come on! Get up!" Imelda was starting to shake me by my shoulders now.

"Alright! Alright! I'm getting up." I groaned with a sleepy croak in my voice.

My first night back in the castle was utterly dreadful. I was late. Again. And I hadn't managed to catch any of my friends, being ushered straight to the girls dormitories last night after the sorting ceremony then I barely managed to shut my eyes and sleep. But Imelda was right, after a lonely and mostly heartbreaking summer break, I was happy to be back at the castle and away from my mother.

She had intercepted every bit of correspondence I had coming in from my friends the entire summer. Ever since my father died two years ago, our relationship was strained. She was a squib herself and she married a muggle as a result. We had a fantastic relationship, until we learned I indeed did have magical powers at the age of 15. The Ministry almost had to intervene to get me to attend Hogwarts, she refused to believe I was magical and send me to the school. It was a harsh reminder of the experience that was ripped from her, being ostracised by her pure blood family when she never got her magic.

She did relent in the end and let me go to Hogwarts, but our relationship was never the same. 'There will be no magic in this house!' she told me the minute I arrived home for the summer break. Every owl was promptly shooed away, every letter burned in the fireplace. I had heard from no one, I didn't even know who was sending me the letters.

So, the start of 6th year couldn't come fast enough. I was desperate to know how all of my friends were. Especially Sebastian Sallow. I had convinced Ominis and Anne to not turn him in after the murder of his uncle and that was the last thing I had heard about him. Whether Anne kept her word, I had no idea.

I was thrilled to see Ominis Gaunt when I emerged half dressed and dishevelled from the dormitories, though he didn't share the same sentiments.

"Ominis! How was your summer?" I asked, approaching him as he sat on the lounge tapping his long fingers on the arm of it.


Wow. Cold.

I stood for a moment in front of him in silence, finally realising he didn't want to speak to me.

I sighed deeply and made my way out of the dungeons, deciding Imelda was right and I probably had to eat something.

When I reached the Great Hall, it was quite busy but my eyes were drawn to exactly who I wanted to see. My legs carried me over there swiftly, relieved by the sight of him. He remained unchanged, his hair still a tangled mess, his face furrowed and his tongue almost protruded from his mouth as he focused on reading what was in front of him. He was exactly how I remembered, though maybe an inch or two taller.

"Can I sit here?" I asked cautiously.

Sebastian's eyes didn't move from the Daily Prophet he was reading. He nodded without saying a word and waved his hand in the direction of the bench.

I furrowed my brows at his quietness, but sat down anyway and began to serve myself food.

"H... how was your break?" I asked, treading lightly after Ominis' cold shoulder this morning.

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