Chapter 66: Three Galleons

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When I was about halfway through cooking eggs for our breakfast the next morning, I remembered what happened last night and I suddenly didn't want to eat them anymore.

Yours could be fertilised...

I shuddered. I wanted to tear my brain out of my head through my ear and toss it out of the window to the street below.


Filthy thoughts.

"You alright?" Sebastian called over from the table, peering over his copy of the newspaper noticing my disgusted look and snapping me back to the reality of the eggs I was about to burn.

"Never been better."

I lied.

I served it up for us both anyway, though I mostly mixed my eggs around the plate and ate the dry toast.

"I forgot to ask, how did it go with Harris' mother?" I asked between sips of tea.

Sebastian hummed, "About as well as you'd expect. I was there for hours. Showed me all his baby books and photos and achievements. It was quite hard to sit through considering he'd just fucking tortured me."

"How lovely." I said with a sarcastic note.

"I feel a little bad for her, if I'm being honest." He sighed, "She seems like such a nice woman. Shame her son was such a fucking prick."

"Sebastian! Don't speak ill of the dead!" I scoffed.

He laughed. "Why not? Solomon was a fucking prick too."

I clicked my tongue knowing it was a losing battle. If Sebastian didn't like someone, he didn't like someone and there was no changing his mind.

"Anyway, she's asked us both back for tea one day. To thank us for what we did." He said.

I felt my stomach drop. When Sebastian said he was going to see her, I felt relieved that I'd never have to face her after what I did to her son. But now, I was going to have to. Because who can say no to a little old lady offering up tea and likely my favourite scones that I haven't had in years since I arrived in this darned country. It was common knowledge Sebastian couldn't make them.

"I... do I have to?" I said softly, hoping my soft voice was alluring enough to sucker him into changing his mind.



I groaned. Loudly.

"It will be fine. She doesn't need to know it was you." Sebastian said.

"I'm not good at walking around with a guilty conscience, Sebastian. You know that."

"It's alright. Let me do the talking. We're just there once to appease a lonely old woman."

I sighed. I didn't do too well carrying guilt.

The days turned into weeks, and the impending visit with Mrs. Harris was booked in. As the day approached, my anxiety intensified. Not only because of the visit, but because the entire situation wasn't brought up at work again. We were back in the office, assigned new cases and just going about our business.

And Sebastian wasn't helping the cause, asking me every single fucking morning as soon as I opened my eyes if I felt unwell.

"No!" I snapped at Sebastian one morning at the table as he once again inquired about the state of my stomach. His concern, while well-intentioned, was becoming more of an annoyance than anything else.

Sebastian raised his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright! Just checking."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, feeling frustrated and guilty. "I'm sorry, Sebastian. I'm just on edge these days with everything going on. I apologise if potentially carrying your spawn isn't on the forefront of my mind."

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