Chapter 80: Escape

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warning: depictions of torture

I closed my eyes and prayed that this pain was just a coincidence.

"She was supposed to be there to kill you, Sallow. But instead, she decided to test her little Veela powers on you. Make you go with her. Really fucked my plan right up."

Please baby, not now. Not now. Not now.

My internal monologue did nothing. I was carrying a stubborn Sallow child, after all. And I simply knew this kid would come on it's own terms. Of course it would be now.

If Marvolo hated when I threw up, I can't imagine how he'd react to a baby being born on his floor.

"And then, she tried to get into the Auror programme. To finish the job she couldn't do at Ilvermorny. But that didn't go to well either, did it, Franny?"

Sebastian noticed me wincing and shifted his body towards mine so he could see me better. He was still silenced.

I peered down at him, his eyes looking up at me all glassy. I nodded. He squeezed his eyes tight and the tears he was holding back were now free falling down his cheek.

"But I suppose she proved fruitful after all, disguising herself as Prewett here for months. Imagine? Months and the Aurors couldn't even tell their boss was using Polyjuice Potion!"

Wait. Sebastian was right...

"So, the enchanted waterfall...?" I began.

"Would have stopped the potion? Yeah. That's why your 'boss' stopped showing up for work. But I don't have use for her anymore now that you're here. And with how much trouble she put me through, I might just end her right here as a preview for what's to come for the rest of you."

"What?! Volo? You promised my father..." Francesca began to panic. I had never seen her react like this. She was always so cool and calm. Something inside me relished in it.

"What? Scared? Maybe you shouldn't have tried to seduce Sallow then and done the job you were chosen to do!"

Francesca backed herself into a wall, her knuckles gripping to the bricks like her life depended on it. Because it literally did.

Marvolo pulled out his wand and smirked, pointing it directly at Francesca's chest.

"Volo... Marvolo... please! Please I am begging! I'll be good. I'll—"


Marvolo dipped his wand and looked at me, my nonchalant profanity gaining everyone's attention.

"What now?" He bellowed at me.

"Don't mean to inconvenience you at this most wonderful time, but I believe my water has broken. Probably from the rough landing you gave me." I said, so casually and confidently I surprised even myself.

Marvolo's eyes widened and I don't think I'd ever seen him so nervous.

"Well, how long? Until... you know?" He asked, waving his wand about in the air.

"Who knows. Could be half an hour, could be sixteen." I shrugged.

I smiled through the dull pains that only now seemed to be picking up now the waters had broken.

"Ah—for fucks sake." Marvolo scratched the back of his head with his wand. "Fine. Fine. You're all staying here until it's over, I don't care who delivers the thing. Then I'll killing you all."

With a lick of his wand, Francesca was now bound, just as we were, and tossed to the floor and Marvolo left, charming the room behind him to make sure we couldn't escape.

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