Chapter 13: Potions

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I was enjoying my peaceful breakfast until it was disturbed by a bickering Sebastian and Ominis. From what I could tell, Ominis was dragging an annoyed Sebastian towards me and demanded he sit in front of me.

"Good morning," I said, taking a bite of my toast, very confused by what was occurring in front of me.

"Sit like a good boy!" Ominis yelled.

"Yes, Sebastian. Be a good boy," I threw him a small grin and took another bite as he glared at me, his look trying to give me a warning, "What did you both get up to last night?"

I could see Sebastian fidgeting, his legs shifting and shuffling his robes around.

"I had a lovely chat with Anne actually. It was wonderful to finally see her again. I've missed her quite a lot." Ominis said.

"Oh, I bet you missed her," Sebastian said snarkily.

I gasped and kicked his leg hard under the table.


"So what did you get up to, Sebastian?" I pried, knowing exactly what he had gotten up to.

"Oh, you know. Just some light reading," his voice was a higher pitch than normal, giving away that he probably wasn't doing some light reading.

Light petting more like it.

"Hmm. Sounds interesting. So, to what do I owe the pleasure of both of your company this morning?"

"When I spoke to Anne last night she was insistent that the three of us sort out any issues we had and try and be friends again. She said it would mean the world to her and I would like to think we should be doing everything we could to make her happy right now." Ominis said.

"I agree. Sebastian, I believe this is all on you now. Are we friends?" I said, laying heavy emphasis on the friends part.

He looked back and forth between Ominis and I and a raised an eyebrow with a devilish grin on my face.

"Alright, fine. Yes. We're all friends." He admitted defeat, throwing his arms to the side.

Through the rest of breakfast, it was mostly Ominis and I talking, Sebastian only speaking when he was asked a question. But the rest of the time, he scraped his fork around his plate with his cheek cupped in his hand.

We split for class, Sebastian and I walking to potions together though he still seemed to be in his shitty mood.

"I thought you'd be relaxed and happy after last night?" I bit at him, getting frustrated by his lack of communication.

"Oh, I am. But why do we need to force this? Surely if we were going to be friends, we'd just let it happen."

"Look, I agree with you. But let's just appease Ominis for now. If it makes he and Anne happy, then why would we jeopardise that?"

"Hmm. I'll admit your right... this time," He smirked.

"Ahh, there's the Sallow I like. Smile more, it's sexy."

He scoffed and I saw him try and stop the large smile he now wore across his face.

"Are you going to tell Ominis about the cloak and the wand?" I asked.

"God, no! Do you think I'm mad? Remember the relic?"

I did in fact remember the relic. I would argue that Sebastian and Ominis' friendship was done for even before Solomon's death because of the damned thing. But I don't know how I felt about lying to Ominis yet again about our dangerous pursuits.

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