Chapter 57: End of an Era

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I had spent all day crying to myself in my dorm. Everyone else had gone out whether it be to study or socialise so I was free to do whatever I wanted. And that was sob.

I didn't realise how long I had actually been crying until Sebastian came in that evening with a plate of food for me.

"Love?" He whispered, placing the food on the bedside table and running his hand up my back.

"Hi, Seb." I spoke between hard sobs.

"Don't stress. It's sorted, alright? I fixed it." He cooed, his hand still trailing up my spine.

"How? I'll be expelled by morning, surely." I choked out, trying hard not to show Sebastian just how hard I'd been crying.

"No. You won't. I fixed it. I promise." He said softly, his hand now stroking my hair.

"What did you do?" I finally turned my head from my pillow to face him.

"Fixed up her face and dragged her down to Goldhorn myself. She fessed up with a few threats from me on the way. She won't be bothering you anymore. I promise." He said, leaning down to give me a kiss on the head.

"Thank you." I mumbled, pursing my lips to get him to kiss me on the mouth. Which he did.

"And... there's something else."

He had my curiosity piqued now to the point I actually sat up a little.

"I didn't know this but apparently she's also quite skilled in Occlumency. Do you know what that means?" He asked, his fingers tracing back down to my shoulder.

"Well, I know what Occlumency means, but what does that have to do with this?"

"Once we told her it was Veritaserum, she knew to resist it. We didn't sleep together. It was her last ditch attempt at splitting us up for revenge."

I almost leaped out of the bed with relief. I thought I was dreaming. Like he was lying to me to spare my feelings.

"Are you serious? How do you know?" I said, trying not to sound too excited.

"Well, I'd say the thought of you beating her face in on two occasions paired with your Unforgivable threats and some of my own on the way down scared it out of her. She said it in front of Goldhorn."

"I can't believe it... I've been crying all day about it. I knew it wasn't your fault but I was so, so angry. How do you feel?" I asked, throwing myself in his arms.

"Fucking relieved. You have no idea how guilty I felt for what I thought I did. I thought it was going to end us for good. But I am yours and only yours. I said that when I married you and I intend on keeping it that way forever." He said, pulling me into his arms and squeezing me so tightly I thought he may squash me to death.

The relief I felt in that moment crashed over me like a tidal wave. I thought my life was being turned upside down and I'd have to deal with the fact that literal crimes were committed against my Sebastian. But it was all a lie. And I couldn't be more grateful.

"Come on, eat now you feel better." He said, picking up the plate and placing a buttered bread roll in my hand.

When Sebastian said Francesca wouldn't bother us again, he was right. Weeks passed and she'd been moved out of my dormitory and no one had seen her since, no one knew what had happened to her.

And I finally felt at peace. I had Sebastian back, he was still completely mine and we were truly happy. Something that didn't happen to us very often.

And before I knew it, we were getting ready to take our final exams at Ilvermorny.

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