Chapter 28: Christmas Pt. 3*

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Warning: Spicy content (but very sweet and cute)

"Merry Christmas, darling."

Light kisses all over my cheeks woke me up as the familiar touch of my boyfriend ignited all of my senses.

I opened my bleary eyes and blinked a few times, adjusting to the morning sun that seemed amplified today for some reason.

"Look. It's snowing." Sebastian whispered, taking my chin between his thumb and index finger and swivelling my head gently to the side towards the window.

I could see the delicate white flecks gently nestling upon the window sill. It made me snuggle deeper into our bed and wrap my legs around Sebastian.

"Mmm. Merry Christmas." I mumbled, tucking myself tighter into Sebastian's warm arms.

"As much as I'd like to stay here and cuddle with you all day in the warmth of our bed, I hear movement in the lounge. We should get up." Sebastian whispered into my ear, tucking loose strands of hair behind it.

"Mmphhh." I mumbled, reluctantly dragging my legs off the side of the bed and sliding on my slippers. Sebastian decided to appease Ominis today and slipped on a night shirt and helped me slide on my robe before joining Anne and Ominis.

"Merry Christmas!" Anne said excitedly, greeting us both with a warm hug.

The smell in the air told me Anne had already prepared a full English breakfast for us in her apparent excitement. Ominis said she'd been awake since 6am. She had prepared eggs, bacon, sausages, beans... everything you could imagine, Anne had made it. I had wondered for a brief moment where she actually got everything from.

"Thank you so much, Anne. This is wonderful." I said, meaning every single word. I was grateful for her.

I almost wondered if keeping Anne in St Mungo's was actually a good idea. I had never seen her as perky and cheerful as she was during this stay. But I could talk about that with Sebastian after today.

"It was my pleasure! I've always wanted to host a Christmas!" She chirped.

"So, what did we want to do today?" Sebastian asked with a mouthful of sausage, earning him a kick in the shin from Ominis.

"Sebastian! You are at the dinner table!" He said.

"Ow!" Sebastian swallowed his mouthful quickly, "Well?"

"Can we please go out into the snow? I have been desperate to get outdoors and experience it all again." Anne asked with a small smile.

The three of us agreed though I know neither Ominis or myself were too keen on the snow.

Ominis and I offered to clear the table and dressed ourselves accordingly. Well, as much as I could. I did wonder if only packing dresses was perhaps a mistake on my behalf.

I slipped on the thickest coat I had and we stepped out into the freezing cold conditions, my body involuntarily taking a sharp breath in as the icy breeze smacked me in the face.

"Darling, do you really want to be out here in this?" Ominis asked Anne with chattering teeth, trying to pull her closer to his body for warmth.

"Yes, this trip was my idea so we are doing what I want." She smirked.

She looked so much like Sebastian when she did that. It was uncanny. It's probably how they both got away with so much shit. The Sallow smirk.

"Come on, Omi. Loosen up a little. Olive's come around to the idea, haven't you, love?" Sebastian said.

He looked at me but I was already glaring at him, telepathically communicating to him that he was indeed, a fucking idiot.

"I sense that she hasn't, but I'll comply for you, Anne." Ominis agreed.

Risk // Sebastian SallowМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя