Chapter 76: Growing

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I'm not sure if it was a blessing or a curse how boring and dead work had become in the last month.

It was like there was a lull in dark magic activity and it felt like I was back at MACUSA again, scouring books for nothing.

But it did mean Sebastian and I finally got to work together. Because no one was partnered on any cases. So he joined me at my desk to help go through some books to brush up on our skills.

"Prewett's stressed." Sebastian said completely randomly, almost startling me as he broke the silence.

"About?" I replied, keeping my eyes on my paper.

"It's too quiet. Suspiciously quiet. He thinks something might be happening, like this is all a ploy."

"Hmm. But do you think Dark Wizards are all that smart?" I said.

He slammed his book shut and stared at me.


Oh. Oh yeah. My very intelligent and handsome husband was once considered a Dark Wizard himself. Fucking stupid relic.

"I more mean that... do you really think they'll be able to pull off a complex scheme that involves making the entire dark magic world go quiet?" I clarified.

Sebastian leaned back in his chair, his fingers intertwining behind his head. "Well, it's not impossible. Some of those wizards and witches are crafty, you know. They don't just decide to no longer practice Dark Magic."

"Why not? You did."

Sebastian pursed his lips and frowned. "That... that was different. I had you."

I decided that it was not worth the fight right now, and relented. "Hm. But I can't help but think that Prewett is just paranoid. We've had lulls before, and they've never led to anything significant."

Sebastian chuckled softly. "You've really grown into your role as an Auror, haven't you? Skepticism and all."

I playfully punched him on the arm, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Well, marrying you must have rubbed off on me somehow."

He leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a husky whisper. "I hope it's not just skepticism that's rubbed off on you."

My cheeks flushed, and I was grateful for the privacy of our office. Sebastian's timing was always impeccable.

"We are at work need I remind you." I said through gritted teeth.

Sebastian flashed me a flirtatious grin, but before he could continue his playful banter, the office door swung open, Leander Prewett standing in the doorway. His stern face looked even graver now, and the air in the room grew heavy with tension.

"Sallows," he said, "I need you both to come with me. There's been a development."

Sebastian and I flicked each other a concerned look at followed Leander into his office.

"Please, sit." He gestured.

We took the seats in front of Leander's desk, which was littered with scrolls and documents, some of which looked highly confidential.

He wasted no time in getting to the point. "There's been a security breach. Highly sensitive information regarding the department and Aurors has been compromised. We suspect that it might be related to this unusual lull in dark magic activity. It could be a ploy to divert our attention while something far more sinister is being planned."

Sebastian leaned forward. "Alright, you have any leads, Prewett?"

Leander sighed and leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in front of him. "Unfortunately, we're working with very little. The breach was discovered just hours ago, and we've been scrambling to assess the extent of the damage. What's clear is that someone on the inside had access to classified information."

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