Chapter 41: No One Else*

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Warning: Mature spicy content, possessive Seb again

"Oh, fuck... Sebastian!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling as I tried to assess the situation in the pitch-black darkness, only the dim light of my wand to guide me. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as my fingers fumbled around his body I desperately searched for the source of his bleeding.

"Stay with me, Sebastian," I begged, "I need to find where you're hurt." My trembling hands finally found the warm stickiness of blood, and I knew I had to act fast.

"Feldcroft," he managed to gasp out. But where in Feldcroft we were, I had no idea. To me, it seemed we were in thick, dense bush.

But I knew there was a medical kit at the cottage. I'd stashed it there.

"Do you know where?"

I felt the pull of Sebastian's neck and shoulders as he nodded softly.

I had no choice. I needed to get him up, he needed to walk.

"I'm going to help you up. You have to guide me, I... I don't know where we are."

Sebastian reached out for my arm and groaned loudly as I helped him to his feet. His hand went straight to his side, under his other arm. I guess I now knew where he was hurt.

I held out my wand and shifted his tuxedo jacket to the side and his white shirt was torn and dripping with blood. I needed to be quick.

I shifted myself under his uninjured side and supported his weight, helping him walk as fast as he could.

He led us straight into the village, dimly lit by street lanterns and the dim glow of moonlight overhead.

Sebastian's breath came in gasps as he clung to my arm. "Almost there," he muttered.

I found the cottage and burst through the door, removing Sebastian's tuxedo jacket and laying him down on the lounge before locating the medical kit I'd left in the kitchen. My first instinct was to give him one of my Wiggenwelds and I popped the cork quickly, almost shoving it down his throat.

He gagged a little and winced in pain as the motions still clearly hurt him.

I took a pair of scissors and cut open the front of his shirt. It wasn't good. Sebastian's chest was covered in dark, warm and sticky blood that seemed to flow from a deep gash on his side, extending from under his armpit and along the length of his side, wrapping below his ribs and finishing next to his belly button. My heart raced as I tried to remain focused, but the sight of his injury was becoming overwhelming. The cut was so deep, I couldn't even determine what was muscle and what was fat. Had it been any closer to his ribs, I likely would have seen bone. I took a deep breath, my hands shaking as I realised essence of dittany wasn't going to cut it for this. He was injured badly. I didn't know any advanced healing spells.

Sebastian winced and clenched his teeth, sweat forming on his forehead as he suffered through  the pain. "It's... it's bad, isn't it?" he rasped.

"Y... yeah. I think I'll need to stitch it. I can't get you to a hospital, we're pressed for time as it is with this bleeding."

Sebastian sat up sightly and peered down at his side, daring to look at his wound. His face went pale, even more than it already was from the blood loss and his body trembled. I was almost afraid he was going to pass out.

"Fffuck..." he said, his head limply laying his head back on the pillow behind his head.

I rummaged through the medical kit, searching for the supplies to clean and stitch Sebastian's deep wound. My hands were shaky, my heart racing, as I pulled out a needle and thread. I looked up at Sebastian and his eyes squeezed shut.

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