Chapter 24: Engaged

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" Link! You remember that long ago; you were prepared to meet my parents but at last, we didn't?" Mipha said while packing stuff. It was the last day of university morning, and she was calling Link.

" Yes, I do remember. Do you want me to meet them?" Link asked. He was also packing stuff.

" Yes. My parents are free on these three days. Can you please check your calendar and see when you will have time to come over?" Mipha asked.

" Of course! It is my pleasure to meet your parents." Link said, he immediately found his calendar.

" Don't say that Link." Mipha said, " It is also my pleasure to know you and your parents."

" Thank you Mipha. I am okay with today and tomorrow. Wednesday is my football club." Link said.

" Maybe tomorrow. We need some time to prepare and today I have to enjoy some time with Zelda and Alicia." Mipha said, " Sorry, maybe I can't accompany you today."

" No problem. Maybe I will ask Alson and Sidon out for games." Link said, " See you tomorrow, Mipha! Love you." 

" Love you too," Mipha said.

Link actually didn't go out with Alson and Sidon. Instead, he went out for presents for Mipha. Tomorrow would be their 2nd anniversary. He would like to surprise her and engage in front of Mipha's parents. According to Mipha, her parents were extremely nice. Link thought that was normal because such kind parents would be born the same kind of baby. He heard that was called DNA.

At the same time, Mipha went out with Alicia and Zelda to ask for their opinions on the presents for Link. She of course didn't forget that tomorrow would be their 2nd anniversary. However, she was the kind of person who couldn't make choices, so she could only find her best friends to help. " What do you think I can get for Link? I know much about what he would like to have. However, because I don't have much of a budget, I can't buy something that is super expensive." Mipha counted the money in her purse and shook her head.

" I think a set of clothes will be good for him?" Alicia asked.

" I know for you it is a good idea, Alicia. However, as I know, Link hates the feel of new clothes. He always buys secondhand clothes. However, I don't want to buy him secondhand clothes for our anniversary." Mipha said.

" Mipha, think clearly. What does he always talk about?" Zelda asked.

" Me, and his parents. Alson and Sidon, and... Video games! I know what I should get for him now!" Mipha shouted, " He has got a PS5. Maybe I should get him a Nintendo. 400 pounds! Just enough, also enough to buy him a new game too." 

" That's great. Maybe I should get him a Nintendo when it is me and Alson's anniversary too." Alicia said, " He saved money for so long to buy but he still needs about 300 pounds."

" Let's go. And shall we have some afternoon tea next?" Zelda asked.

" We probably should." Mipha said, " I am really hungry now."

Link was walking in the shopping mall. He walked in lots of shops, but he didn't get any idea what he should get for Mipha. Suddenly, he saw a jewelry shop, he immediately shook his head because he remembered that Mipha had not got much interest in jewelry. However, he thought for a few seconds, and he decided to go in.

Soon, it was the next day. Everyone was so sad that they had to leave this school. They have the graduation ceremony in the morning. And everyone said goodbye. Nobody wanted to leave this school. For the 4 years of university life, they created a very strong relationship with each other. But the days have been over, the happy days, tears, and joy. They have been through together for 4 years. They said goodbye to each other. Even made a group chat for that.

In the afternoon, Mipha and Link and also Link's parents came and met Mipha's parents. Link's parents see Mipha as their half-daughter and would agree for Link to marry Mipha. At last, they have to ask for Mipha's parents' permission if Mipha can marry Link or not. Link was extremely nervous. He had never been that nervous before. 

" Be calm, Link. I have told you that my parents would like you very much. See? You are a such perfect boy. Handsome, good at sports, good results, kind and the most important thing is you brought joy into my life, and you take care of me with your full heart!" Mipha said.

" Thank you, Mipha. But maybe I'm not as perfect as you think." Link said.

" When did you become me when I was in university 1? I was the person who only knew reading and learning. And looks down at me! But you have taught me that everyone can look down on you, but you can't. Your actions can already tell me that you are a boy who is proud of who you are and what are you doing. C'mon, Link." Mipha said.

" Yes, you are absolutely right, Mipha. Why didn't I realize? You are right. Let's go! To pick up my parents and go to your parents' house." Link said and started to drive.

Soon, they arrived at Mipha's house. " Oh! Hi! Link and Link's parents. How should we call you?" Dorephan, Mipha's father, and Luna, Mipha's mother asked.

" I am Haruto, and this is my wife, Akira." Haruto, Link's father said.

" Hi, nice to meet you," Luna said.

" Link! I dear bro!" Sidon came out and hugged Link.

" Sissy! I miss you soooo much!" Milly asked who was still going to Primary, " Is that Link, your future husband?" 

" Hey! Milly." Mipha blushed.

" Oh! My dear daughter is shy." Dorephan laughed, " Anyway, please come in and have a seat."

They talked about Mipha and Link the most, and many of what happened in their house. Luna and Dorphan were so pleased to have Link as Mipha's boyfriend. Link and Mipha still haven't talked to their parents about how they have engaged. However, after dinner, Link told everyone, " Today is my and Mipha's 2nd anniversary. Can I please say something?" 

Link didn't let anyone say anything, he pulled Mipha out and said, " Mipha, I have got a surprise for you. For the 2nd anniversary presents." 

" Oh! I also have a present to give you. Do you mind if I go first?" Mipha asked.

" Sure." Link said and he saw that Mipha got a big box from her bag, and she asked Link to open it. Link did and he was surprised, " A whole new Nintendo!?" 

" Yes, Link. I have heard that you like it very much." Mipha said.

" Thanks, Mipha dear. It is a big surprise and I do like it very much. However, I believed that I had got the bigger surprise." Link said as he had his one leg go down, " Even though I have asked you, I still want to say it in front of our parents. Mipha, since I have seen you, I love you and I am sure that you are going to be my wife one day. Will you marry me?" Link took out a box with a ring that had got pretty much diamonds on it. Link went to the jewelry shop for that ring, Link got the one for boys.

" Of course, Link. I love you. More than anyone can imagine. My love for you is deeper than the deepest sea in the world, higher than the highest mountain in the world, and bigger than the whole universe. I love you." Mipha said. Link stood up happily and put the ring on Mipha's middle finger.

"Congrats, my dear daughter. You've found your true love." Dorephan said.

"I wish you will be happy with Link forever." Luna smiled and held Mipha's hands.

" Link, take care of Mipha more. She is a very suitable girl for you, and she is kind." Akira said.

" Link. I am happy that you got a wife. I was scared that you were going to be alone for your whole life." Haruto joked. Everyone laughed.

" Yeah! Link is now my brother-in-law!" Sidon said.

"He is also my brother-in-law!" Milly smiled. Link patted Milly's head. 

" Mipha. Thank you. You are the one who makes me joy." Link said. 

" Thank you. I think I can't get rid of you in my mind ever since we have dated." Mipha said, " And the moon is very beautiful tonight.

It was a very nice night, with a big and round blue moon. With many shiny stars near that. Mipha looked at Link and she smiled; Link smiled back. It was a good day for both of them.

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