Chapter 21: Started investigating this case

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  Mipha, Link, Alicia, Alson, Sidon, and Zelda found the teacher to help. The teacher saw the hall was broken but the fire was still burning. The teacher immediately called the police and firemen. Many policemen and firemen came. Luckily, the fire had been put out in 30 minutes. The ambulance came and checked on Link and Sidon. Mostly Sidon. Double lucky was Link was absolutely fine, Sidon just burned his skin a bit and was totally fine after drinking some water to get most of his energy back. Policemen started to investigate if it was an accident or if people made it. For that, he wanted Mipha, Link, Alicia, Alson, Sidon, and Zelda for help because they had been saved to the last to go so, they might know more about it than everyone else. They are pleasantly agreed. They have been sent to a separate room.

" What did you hear before the exploding happen?" One policewoman asked.

" Someone was shouting a bomb! A bomb." Zelda said.

" What happened afterward?" 

" Everyone was running out of the hall. Me and Sidon who is a tall and strong boy helped the others." Link said.

" Who got hurt in this situation?" 

" Me and a boy who called Link got trapped in the fire since we were helping," Sidon said.

" What did you do then?" 

" Me and a girl who called Alicia went out the hall and see if anyone has been left in the hall," Alson said.

" Then? We know that two boys were trapped, what did you do?" 

" I was giving out some food and water, comforting the scared people. I do know that two boys were trapped but I couldn't do anything, I was thinking the idea of how to save them." Alicia said.

" How do the two boys been rescued?" 

" I used Zora's waterpower to rescue both of them. Sidon is my younger brother and Link is my boyfriend." Mipha said.

" I see." Said the police who said to the teachers, " Please do not let anyone go out or in the school anymore. So does the school hall. Everyone stays in one classroom. And we need to ask everyone what happened."

" No problem. Everyone comes with me!" The teacher said. Nobody didn't follow the instruction since they were too scared and nervous.

" You guys have done very well. We would like you to help with this case also. You are the people who know the most." The head of police said.

The children looked at each other. A few seconds later, they nodded. They gave out food and sweets to each student to calm them down. About 30 minutes later, the police called each people inside and do a recording of what they said.

A girl called Salance was first, " What I know is someone discovered that there was a bomb and she shouted to everyone. I am sure that it is a girl who found it. Then I was too scared, and I ran out of the hall with others. Then I was so scared and a few moments later, Alicia came and comfort me. She gave me a cup of hot water as well."

Then a boy called Steve came in and said, " I was dancing happily and didn't hear anything until everyone was running out, so I did too. After that I asked a girl called Rena what had happened, she told me that there was a bomb. My legs and hands were shaking when I heard that! I felt lucky because I escape before the bomb explodes. Rena was very brave; she seems like she was not scared!"

After hearing that, the police called Rena in. That's what Rena said, " I was a very brave person though. I went to the toilet when I heard someone shout a bomb was in the hall. I immediately ran out of the toilet and escape. Steve asked me what happened, so I told him. I was a bit scared, but I can control myself and the anger overcome my fear! I knew that Sidon was trapped, and I like Sidon very much, he is my best friend to me!"

Then, a girl called Sarah came in, she said, " That's me who found a bomb. Near a bomb, I found this. This earring looks pretty, someone might have dropped it because there is just one, and it has got blood on it. I guess it is someone's ear bleeding, so she took this earring off and accidentally drop it. When I picked it up, I realized there was a bomb. It was hidden in a corner where nobody was standing there. I haven't got anyone to dance with, so I just stood there fidgeting with my hair." 

" Have you still got the earing with you?" The police asked.

" Yes, I do. I wrap it with a tissue." Sarah said and gave the earring wrapping with a tissue to the police. It was a useful thing. 

" And also, before I stood in the corner, I saw someone kneeing and don't know what he/she was doing. I didn't see her face very well." Sarah added. 

What the other student said was about the same as the others. After 50 more students, it was the teachers. 

" Did you remember what the hall looks like?"

" Yes, I do. The stage was in front of everybody else. It was a big place in the middle because the ball is going to happen. There was a cotton candy and popcorn shop on the left. A face painting shop on the right, and some other food and drinks at the back. People will stand in front of the stage to watch people dancing. There was a toilet at a very corner place, but the toilet side was closed because of the repair and cleaning." Replied the teacher.

" Then where is the nearest toilet you can go?" 

" There is a toilet at about 5 classroom distance."

After the policemen asked all the students and teachers, they let people rest in the school hall. It was 8 pm. Lots of people haven't had dinner. The teachers gave out some bread. It was a sleepover so many people got sleep bags with them. Mipha and Zelda couldn't sleep, so they whispered.

" Who do think is that evil?" Mipha asked.

" I have not got any idea right now. But let's find it out tomorrow!" Zelda said.

" But I can't sleep!" Mipha said.

" So do I!" Zelda said, " But if we didn't sleep, we won't have enough energy tomorrow.

" You are right, Zelda. I am going to try to sleep again." Mipha said. Both of the girls slept at 10 pm.

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