Chapter 4: Dance Party

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The following weekend, the university hosted the first dance party of the year. It was designed so students could meet each other and socialise while still being safe. The large gym was turned into a ballroom that night, with decorations everywhere.

"I'm glad you're going to the dance, Mipha," said her friend Alicia, who was in Mipha's dormitory room at the moment. "I'm sure you'll have a good time. And you can't study all the time!"

"I know, but I want to do well in my studies, and it makes my parents happy too," said Mipha. "But I did take some dance classes, so dancing is study related a bit as well."

"Mipha, you're so funny," laughed Alicia. "Lighten up! Not everything has to be about studies!"

"By the way, do you think Link will be at the dance?"

"I would think so," said Alicia. "Is Link the boy you have your eye on? You know many girls are eager to date him, including that girl from a rich family, Zelda. He's handsome and athletic. So you have a lot of competition."

"I know, but I think Link likes me," said Mipha. "He even waved to me after the game last week."

"Well, just don't get your hopes up, girl," said Alicia. "Can we walk over to the dance together? Just knock on my door when you're ready."

Mipha changed into a stylish dress for the dance and checked herself in the mirror. Then, satisfied with how she looked, she left her room and knocked on Alicia's door. After complimenting each other on how nice they looked, they walked the short distance from the girls' dormitory to the gym. You could already hear music from the band the university had hired for the occasion and, as you got closer, the sound of people talking and laughing. Alicia and Mipha entered the dance hall and looked around.

"He's here!" said Mipha to Alicia as she nodded toward a group of boys from the football team standing together and talking, including Link.

"Uh oh!" said Alicia.

Just then, Zelda approached Link, interrupting their conversation.

"Hello, Link," said Zelda. "I was impressed by how well you did at the game."

"Oh, were you there, Zelda? Thank you," said Link. "I'm glad our team won."

"Um, they're playing a good song now," said Zelda. "Would you like to dance?"

"Oh, that's sweet of you to ask," said Link. "But I was hoping to have my first dance with someone else."

"What? Are you turning me down? Who do you think is better than me? Do you know how well off my family is? They named one of the buildings here after my grandfather since he donated so much money," said Zelda.

Just then, Link noticed Mipha and her friend Alicia across the room.

"That's great, Zelda," said Link. "Will you excuse me?"

Link walked over toward Mipha and Alicia, and Mipha hadn't noticed at first as she was looking the other way for a moment. But Alicia nudged her in time.

"Mipha, I'm glad you came," said Link.

"Me too," said Mipha. "Oh, do you know my friend Alicia?"

"Hi," said Link.

"Hi Link," said Alicia. "Would you two mind if I go get something to drink? I'm so thirsty!"

Then Alicia winked at Mipha behind Link's back as she headed to the refreshment stand.

"Since your friend is gone, would you like to dance?" Link asked.

"Love to," said Mipha, and Mipha and Link made their way to the dance floor and began to dance to the music.

Mipha was a great dancer, all her practice and studying of dance moves showing. Even some nearby students stopped to watch her. Zelda also noticed Mipha and Link dancing and turned red with anger and jealousy.

"So, that annoying Mipha is trying to get her claws into Link, is she?" Zelda murmured to herself. "Well, we will see about that!"

Mipha and Link danced a few times and were having a wonderful time, laughing and enjoying themselves.

"You dance so well!" said Link with admiration.

"Thank you," said Mipha. "You do too."

Finally, when the band took a rest break, Mipha excused herself to go to the restroom. Zelda had been watching Link and Mipha dancing, and her anger was at a boiling point. When Zelda saw Mipha head to the restroom, she followed her there, waited until nobody but Mipha was inside, and then entered and confronted Mipha while Mipha was drying her hands.

"I thought I made it clear I don't want you getting serious about Link," said Zelda.

"We were just dancing and having a good time," said Mipha. "It wasn't serious."

"Don't argue with me!" shouted Zelda as she slapped Mipha in the face. "And don't you know Link doesn't care about you. He feels sorry for you because you study all the time and have so few friends. I even heard him tell his friends that he would be nice to you tonight out of pity. But remember he's actually my boyfriend. He's just pretending to care about you so you will have some fun for a change. And forget about dancing anymore tonight unless you can dance without shoes!"

And with that, Zelda stamped on Mipha's foot, breaking the heel of her shoe.

"Ouch!" Mipha cried out.

Zelda left, and Mipha began to cry. Was what Zelda said true, that Link was only nice to her because he felt sorry for her? Anyway, with her shoe broken, she had to leave. Embarrassed, Mipha left by herself and ran back to her room. Then she lay on the bed and cried.

Meanwhile, Link was waiting for Mipha to return so they could dance some more, but there was no sign of her. Finally, he spotted her friend, Alicia, and spoke with her.

"Hi Alicia, have you seen Mipha? I'm worried because she left to use the restroom and hasn't returned."

"Oh, that's strange," said Alicia. "Let me check."

Alicia made her way to the restroom, and there was no sign of Mipha. But then she found the heel of a shoe on the floor, and it looked like it could have come from Mipha's shoe. Alicia tried calling Mipha, but her phone was off. That wasn't surprising since they had turned off their phones at the dance. She returned to tell Link.

"I found part of a shoe on the floor," said Alicia. "Maybe Mipha broke her shoe after all the dancing and had to leave. She's not answering her phone."

"Hm, that's strange," said Link. "The funny thing is I saw Zelda follow her to the restroom. I wonder if something happened? If you see her later, tell her I hope she is okay."

"I will, Link," said Alicia.

"Meanwhile, I'll ask Zelda if she knows what happened," said Link.

Alicia wandered around the dance awhile longer, but couldn't find Mipha, so she decided to go back to the dorm to check on her. The last thing she saw before leaving was Link speaking to Zelda.

When Alicia arrived at the dorm, she went straight to Mipha's room and knocked. She thought she could hear crying from inside the room.

"Mipha? It's me, Ali," said Alicia. "Are you okay? Let me in."

After a moment, Mipha opened the door, and Alicia could see Mipha was crying.

"What's wrong?" Alicia exclaimed and then hugged Mipha.

Mipha told Alicia what had happened, including that Zelda had slapped her and told her that she was Link's girlfriend. She said Link was just being nice to her out of kindness.

"I don't believe it," said Alicia. "Link was genuinely worried about you when he couldn't find you at the dance. Let me help you get to bed, and things will look better in the morning."

Alicia didn't think Zelda was Link's girlfriend. But at the same time, she remembered Link had been talking with Zelda when Alicia left the dance. And Zelda came from a wealthy family. Could it be true?

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