Chapter 16: Near Death

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" What should we do?" Link asked. He was so worried about Zelda, and so were Mipha and Alicia. If she didn't get to the hospital immediately, she would die. However, none of them was without injury, and they needed to get out of this dark and cold place. Zelda's body temperature was dropping because of how cold it was here.

" There is no way we can get out from here with my legs and arms injured," said Alson as he shook his head and stared at Zelda with a worried expression.

" But we have to save her!" Alicia said, " We must do something. We cannot let Zelda die. She is our friend, and we must save her as she is in great danger."

" Yes, but what should we do? The only person who studied first aid was Zelda herself. We never studied first aid." Link said.

" The only thing we can do is to pray, and maybe God bless Zelda," Mipha said.

" Or we can wait for a miracle. If our arms and legs healed immediately with magic, that would work." Alson said. Alson was just joking, but it gave Mipha and Link inspiration. Link suddenly remembered Mipha could heal people with her hand. She healed him after he was injured in one of the football games. She had told Link not to tell anyone, and he respected her wishes, still keeping it a secret.

" Mipha, I want to talk to you." After this, Link lowered his voice and said, " Your healing magic. I think you should use that now. There are just five of us here. Nobody else will find out. So please do this for our sake."

Mipha thought for a while. She knew her father wouldn't like it if she used her healing magic. However, Zelda's life was much more important! So, she decided she had to use it. But then Mipha spoke, " Guys, I have a way of helping. But after this, please don't tell anyone, or the next person in danger might be me."

Alicia asked, " What is it?" She was very curious but worried at the same time. She didn't know that Mipha knew healing magic.

" I've got the gift of healing magic. I've had it since I was young. I will heal your arms and legs. So, then we can get Zelda to the hospital." Mipha said.

"Okay, but why don't you heal Zelda first?" Alson asked.

" My healing power only can heal wounds. Zelda's head was badly injured, and if I didn't concentrate properly, I might cause her more harm. Also, Zelda's body is getting colder, which means she may be going into shock with the cold here. My power can't alter the weather to make it warmer. She is in a perilous situation." Mipha said, " Now, for me to heal you, it may hurt a bit, and you have to stay still in one position and cannot move."

Mipha healed Link, Alson, and Alicia. Then Link and Alson carried Zelda. They followed the path from the mountain's base and carefully walked to the top. Alson and Link nearly fell, carrying Zelda, but luckily, they maintained their balance, and their stamina was excellent. There was an internet signal here, so they immediately called the hospital. Soon, they arrived at the hospital for rest. However, Zelda was taken at once to the Emergency Patient's room.

Mipha, Link, Alson, and Alicia soon recovered. But Zelda remained in a coma. The doctor said if Zelda didn't wake up in a week, she might not wake up at all. Zelda's parents received the news of her injury and immediately rushed to the hospital. They cried out, " Oh no! Zelda! Please, you cannot die! I am going to make your favourite food. Soon we will all be home together again!"

Zelda was on the verge of death several times when her heart nearly stopped beating. Luckily, the doctor saved her each time. The doctor and the nurses said Zelda was lucky because other people would have usually died from her injuries. But Zelda was hanging on to life. They said she had a strong will to live and heard your encouragement. The doctor also said it would help to read Zelda's favourite book to her and play her favourite music CD. Those things might help her to awaken soon. Her parents, Mipha, Link, Alicia, and Alson all helped.

Finally, on a sunny day, two days before school started, Zelda's parents got the news that Zelda had woken up. They rushed there at once and saw Mipha was already there and giving Zelda some fruit to eat. They overheard their conversation, " Here, I prepared some fruit for you, Zelda. These fruits are picked directly from the farm and are fresh and tasty." Mipha said.

" Thank you so much, Mipha." Zelda said, " But why were all of you able to recover so quickly?"

" Well," Mipha said, and as she didn't want to tell Zelda that she had this healing power, she lied, " It was thanks to the good care we received at the hospital, and our wounds were not too serious."

" Oh, I see!" Zelda said, and now she felt a bit sad. She asked, " Will I be able to join the school open ceremony for this year? This year is the last I will have a school opening ceremony."

" The doctor said you have healed much faster than he thought so that you can leave the hospital tomorrow. They just need you to stay for one more night." Mipha said.

Zelda's parents were happy that Zelda had a true friend that cared for and loved her. They were also very thankful that Mipha wasn't mean to her because of what Zelda had done to Mipha before. They walked in, and Mipha and Zelda saw them. " Father, mother!" Zelda shouted. Zelda hugged her parents tightly.

" I know now that my dear daughter will be alive!" Zelda's mother Diana said.

" I am so grateful! Thank you, Mipha! Please return to your friends and tell them how much I thank them!" Zelda's father, Rhoam said, " You all saved my daughter's life!"

" I am so glad that Zelda is fine. She mentioned how eager she is to attend the school's opening ceremony." Mipha said, " If nothing else needs my help, I will return to school. I must prepare for school and revise what I learned in the past year." Mipha said and got out of the room.

The next day, they came and picked Zelda up. Their classmates congratulated her and said that they were all fine! Zelda was so happy, not only because she could join the opening ceremony, but because she felt that all her friends were true friends.

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